Well, I wondered if I'd ever get a chance to get back to this. I've been very dedicated to getting a couple things done and had decided that this had to wait until at least three things got done off of my "100 things I have to do today" list. (See previous post... around New Year sometime.) So I got my "little sister's" pillow project as far as I could get it, I got Michael's album for the Ambassador done, and last night... woohoo... the taxes are filed!!! It's amazing that something that nets me an extra $3000 can be put off so long. I started them as soon as the last document rolled in, but little did I know that I'd also have to come up with closing papers from 5 years ago and a plethora of other documents that I didn't even figured normal people saved. (Yes, I have been touched with a bit of OCD, and many documents and statements are just impossible for me to toss.) Glad that finally paid off!
So now it's back to normal stuff. The boys were really anxious to go play in the snow before it melted, so they had all their school done before 8:15 this morning. Normally, you can't even get my attention on such things before 8:30, but when there's the reward of getting them out of here, situations can change!! Mallory wanted to go out, too, but she also had the reward of a quiet day at school. She seems okay for the moment!
Well, they will be back in soon, so I should help her get out of here before they decide to quit. Have a great day and try to remember that it really is spring!! Time change in less than 2 weeks!!!