Friday, June 15, 2007

Hard times...

It's been a rough week for Michael and me. We put Bugger Man down on Tuesday. He was almost 15. These have been the first few nights in about 15 years without a cat in my face or on my back, and I'm afraid I must be sleeping better because I hurt everywhere. It was sad to see how many messes he was making on new carpet, but really hard to put down a cat that otherwise seemed so healthy.

One of Dad's friends dropped off some farm cats to help control the mouse population, and we sort of latched on to a couple of the kittens... but not before Bonnie and Clyde had their fun. We found one that night, very drenched and mauled and let him sleep in the mud room. The next morning, we found a very dirty, crusty one that we cleaned up and put with his sister. Matthew has really latched on to a grey marble one that he's calling Peachy (???) and the rest of us took to the Siamese. We're still working on names, but their litter training is going extremely well and we hope to have basement cats soon. We don't plan on bringing them upstairs until after vacation, just with the expected antics of kittens!! But we really hope they have names by then!
Well my house is quiet right now. The kids spent the night at the River with Grandpa and Michael has gone to work. I have a cake to decorate before work, but not much else. All the whirlwind housecleaning I was going to get done without the kids here sort of got deleted when I slept in until 8:00. I heard Michael's alarm go off at 6:30 and really only thought I was in bed a few more minutes. So anyway, now I must move on if this cake is to be done before work.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Nothing to say...

Yeah, right, but Mom really wanted that snake to go away so I'm supposed to post something! And since I have something of an internet connection, I probably should.

I'm so glad to have yesterday over!! I did a couple dramas for a church on the other side of Omaha, and it's been nervewracking building up to it. They went smoother than any before and nearly everyone told me how much they were blessed by them. It's so wonderful to know that, but oh, the fits I can get myself in beforehand... I'm just glad they're over. I'm also so glad I can look my kids in the eye and tell them that God really is bigger than our fears. I know it's easy to see our parents as fearless... at least at their age... but they know very well that I'm not!!

A few months back, I started talking about our new curriculum that we switched to using. We are all so excited about it. The boys are just now figuring out that they can't tell who's ahead and in what... and I won't tell!! Morgan's trying to catch up to Matthew in math, which is reasonably possible, and Matthew's trying to stay ahead without doing too much homework. We really like how it puts everyone at his own pace and we can adjust the homework to the kind of day we have planned. It's also very easy to grab and work on in the car. Our assignment cards show us exactly where we left off and it tells Daddy exactly what we accomplished. It's all very exciting... you know, for homework!!