We had the shower for Jenny Sunday, and it was so sweet. Just 11 of us, but very special friends. We had hoped for some plans to fall through to have a couple more attend, but we did enjoy so much getting together with those who made it. Michael had even helped me with one of the games the night before. We put the first names of several famous couples and had the guests come up with the last names. It went over fairly well, but the fun part was watching Michael dive right in to help with the list. You never know what's going to interest him. Most of the time he thinks the stuff I do is either silly or downright unnecessary, but he overheard Mom and me talking about some names and he started Googling things and pretty much finished the list! Well anyway... We also guessed some kitchen utensils in hidden in socks, which he was just sure were his socks... well, in a way they were. We've been in this house nearly a year, and this whole time there has been a package of mens socks floating from room to room. Not the kind he wears, though, so they just keep searching for someone to love. Great, I'll use those for my game. Well now I don't seem to hear the end of it. I completely ruined his brand new socks (I wrote numbers on the bottoms... devastating) that he couldn't find anywhere. Been scouring the house for them. hmmmm. Yeah, anyway... Then he decided he didn't like that kind of socks, so Matthew took them. He doesn't stop long enough to notice the numbers on the bottom.
Jenny's gifts were very fun. She got some candlesticks for the wedding and many, many candles. The first gift she opened contained a pair of slippers, and she was so excited because she'd never owned slippers. It just so happened that Mallory's and my package contained slippers, too, so Mallory had to go grab ours because she just couldn't stand the anticipation. While we were in Wisconsin, we had stopped at a Walgreen's for something we needed and I saw this little Junior Mints camisol and panty set on a small display. I started laughing so hard that Michael was really afraid of what may have come over me. I told him all about Jenny's little "thing" with Junior Mints. I don't think it's strong enough to call it an addiction, but when she was little, it was always her candy of choice. There was one time that we had to have them before a movie or something, and had to stop at three different places before we finally found some. I wish I could remember more about that, because I know it couldn't have been a movie. That girl doesn't sit still that long. That was also the age when she had to sit under one of those slow blow huge dryers to dry her curly hair. But in order to get her to sit, you had to feed her AND turn up a movie really loud AND have something else to do. So anyway, I don't know where we were going that she needed those mints, but I just have a feeling I wouldn't have survived a movie with her. But that has caused me to smile and think of my Jenny every time I see a box of Junior Mints. So back to the undies... I told Michael that I just HAD to get these for her for the shower, and while we were paying for them, the clerk (who had witnessed my small hysterical outburst) thought she should mention that slippers were also available for most of these outfits. Poor Michael. All he really wanted was a birthday card for his dad, and now all this. So, now, back to the shower... she was so excited to have TWO pairs of slippers and got a real kick out of the undies. Couldn't believe I had found that! I really couldn't either, but how perfect. The whole afternoon was perfect. Couldn't have had a prettier day, and the guys even took Bonnie and Clyde to Mom's house so we didn't have to deal with them!!