Poor guy. Double it up with his awful mom thinking he was faking to get out of homework. It doesn't take long with Matthew on the couch to know that he's not faking. He can't stay there forever when he's well. Especially when his coveted drums showed up. He sat and watched from the couch. He opened one of the dozen or so boxes, but watched the rest. He called Vic, his drum coach, and Vic ran over like it was his best friend with a new toy! Didn't even tell his wife where he went! (Sorry, Jeri!) It took a while to put everything together, but Vic had a ball, just wishing Matthew felt well enough to have his hands in there. He smiled and was very thankful, but you could just see how terrible he felt. Vic was disappointed at the lack of enthusiasm, but understood! He said he'd be back in a couple weeks to tighten up the heads again as they stretch over time. We're all excited for him, especially that they showed up on his birthday!! Vic left him with some lessons that he's eager to practice. If he could hold his head up. Poor Matthew.