Well, the St Bernard just couldn't be happier about this weather, but our Golden Retriever is beginning to feel her age. I had seen her holding up a foot now and then, but couldn't decide if her feet were just cold or if one was hurting. After Clyde took her for a run out to the other side of the road, I started to think it didn't really matter either way!! He was running around busting through snow drifts and she was doing well just to keep herself going toward the house! She looked so pathetic that I let her in the mud room to warm up a bit. Well, we don't really have anywhere to relax there anymore, so I let her come in, but just inside the door. I got the door shut and she laid down in front of it. Her eyes kept saying, "I'm a good dog. I'll stay right here!!" We got the little snowballs off her eyelashes and dug a few out of her paws and she spent a couple hours there, napping in peace and a little bit of warmth. Every once in a while, she would raise her head and get up to stretch, but then start panting like crazy. The third time, she looked at us like she was ready to go back out. Michael opened the door and she headed right out. Most likely to see what rules Clyde had broken while she was gone!! He seems totally unaffected by the cold!!