I can't believe what it takes to update this! I used to love my blog, now I never get a chance to write!!
WELL... we are home!! There are so many people to thank for making this happen! We only have a few details left to finish up, which is going faster than the SBA paperwork! They have a different hoop for me every week. We're on a title search right now. I had to "record" the mortgage with the Secretary of State last month, then they would send it to the county level so the Title Company could run its search. Only, it doesn't work that way. Not even sure what that step proved. This week, I had to "record" a new, updated mortgage with the county so the Title Company could run the search. This involved a notarized letter that they sent me that they said I wouldn't ever really need. I actually have a file of papers they say I won't need. It was in there. Amongst the 50,000 boxes that I have yet to unload... Anyway, I feel bad that all these contractors have to wait so long to be paid. I actually have to pay them, then prove to the SBA that I have paid them, then I get the money. Kinda cute, huh?
So, we moved in last weekend. We've been here for one full week now!! YAY!! When we were packing, we knew that Mallory would be leaving for Florida before we could ever really unpack, so she was careful to pack everything separately that she would need for her trip. She was up at 3:30am and in the shower and we got to the school on time... only to find that she forgot her flute! This is a band trip!! I ran back for her flute and she is off on her first adventure! Doing much better than her mom, I'm sure! It was in true Mallory style: I arrived with her forgotten flute and she took it, said thanks, and turned to get on the bus! I had to call her back for a hug! She is so adventurous!!
It has taken a lot to hang in there this past year. Next week will be one full year since the evacuation. I've been holding it together this whole time and my daddy said that if I did that, I could have a breakdown when I got home. Well, I'm home and my daughter is gone and I'm ready for that breakdown! It's time for one!! Except there are all these boxes... and I have a ladybug cake... I guess in normal "MOM" fashion, you just have to keep going. But, I AM eventually going to cash in on that breakdown, just so you know!