Thursday, March 21, 2013


Just feeling down today.  The family's apart and I seem to be pining away for them!  Not intentionally, as if anyone ever is, but even with two rowdy boys, the mood is down.  Even a tax refund check didn't lift spirits very long, even though it covered a lot of bills!  Well, one really big one and a smaller one, anyway.  I should feel amazingly uplifted... but still... just a bit sad.  Haven't really had enough time since losing Bonnie, either.  And then the weather... ugh... who isn't depressed by that??  It's supposed to be spring, people!!
Well, we have lots of plans for tomorrow, so I'm hoping we'll be too busy to feel down in the dumps.  

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happy Sweet 16 Mallory!

 Well, it's been quite a day!  My little Mallory turned 16 years old.  I don't know how slow we seem to think time should go, but I think it should be slower than this.  Maybe something more like first grade.  First grade seemed to take FOR.EV.ER.  Why not the babies??
Anyway, she's on her way out to California now to see her other grandma, and she is so excited.  They have been talking about this for a couple years now, and she's finally on her way.  Pastor Norm showed us, so we've been watching her flight since AWANA started tonight!  She has a few more minutes to go!
But anyway... we did other things today, too.  She started off in band.  I had texted the teacher that this was her birthday and it sounds like they sang to her, too!  Then, after band, we met up with her and went to the courthouse to get her driver's license!!  Always an amazing rite of passage!  At that point, she was free to drive herself home, but she instead chose to drive her daddy home.  She's so funny!
Well, I'm sure other things happened today, but they have faded.  Thought I'd post one more photo that shows once and for all that she truly did receive my good looks!!  

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Another Tuesday

My daughter was absolutely thrilled yesterday when she caught me on my blog again.  I don't know why!  We were on the couch last night having some good "girl time" while the guys were at Scouts.  She's been working on some stuff for her dad lately and she was working in front of the TV last night.  They are trying to organize an inventory system that is actually published by their supplier, and the data is entered on an iPad.  Michael knows what he wants it to do, and the girl-who's-had-an-iPad-since-they-came-out is trying to make it happen.  They are quite a team. 
This morning has been less than bright.  We're all still pretty down about Bonnie, and that makes it hard to really accomplish anything.  They say that they got school "done" but that's all a matter of opinion.  They might also be taking advantage of the fact that I'm not feeling up for my normal fight, either.  Probably a good day for a big family project or something.  A couple things I know I should be doing, but it's so hard when you're just feeling SO SAD.  Maybe I should be looking through my scrapbooking stuff and make sure I'm ready for camp.  That's coming up soon.  Never soon enough!  Mallory's planning on going with me, so that will be fun.  Not sure she knows that we'll probably be taking her car!  Oh, well.  Maybe she'll drive for me!  Either way, it will be fun and couldn't possibly come soon enough.  

Monday, March 18, 2013

Long, sad day

It's been another tough one.  This morning we awoke to find the sun rising on the lifeless body of our beloved Bonnie in the driveway.  There really isn't any way to describe the way a moment like that just stops you in your tracks.  The plans for the day just didn't matter anymore.  Details became irrelevant.  The other two dogs seemed to be lifted when we came out.  They seemed sure that we could fix her.  As events played out, they seemed to get how sad we were and that there was nothing we could do, either.  We put her on the bike hill where we've put so many kitties.  We wish Clyde could be there, too, but we lost him while our house was under water.  Our friends buried him at their house, so he's safe.
Well, like I said, it's been a rough one.
On a stranger note, my daughter has been watching "Touch" for a while on Netflix and I just decided to watch it tonight for the first time.  She said I'd really like it.  Now, the creepy part... for those who don't remember...  The pilot episode took place on March 18.  =/ 
Oh, and one more thing... I made another attempt at the mozzarella cheese today.  Gave myself permission to go off on a tangent, I suppose.  Made it a little farther this time.  I had a lot of curds, but then had to leave for an appointment before it was ready!  But the Chef was still home, so he picked up the process.  He never really got a cohesive ball of cheese, but it tasted pretty good.  It was more like ricotta in texture, so I decided to make a Manicotti.  We've never had a better manicotti than this one!!  The cheese came out rather sweet, in a way.
Anyway, it certainly ended the day on a brighter note.