Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Gold... in online shopping!!

So what happens when a man attempts to mess with his wife's cropping time? Well, after tonight and the loyalty of my computer, I find that he might crash the entire internet. Michael was trying to get the kids to the circus, and the "only possible time" was Friday night, during my cropping time. Knowing that he'd probably only return with one, if any of my three kids, I started booing the idea of him taking them himself. He proceeded to secure tickets online to this "only possible time." Somehow, he got booted twice. He said he had somehow timed out. So after a few minutes of hostile pacings and fridge-door-slamming, I decided to give it a go. After all, when it comes to shopping, I and my computer are one. So I tried my new Firefox browser, knowing it wasn't as junked up and probably a bit faster, and just tried searching circus attractions and tickets. I soon found the circus that had him all fired up and started looking at show times. Sure enough, besides the "only possible time," was a perfect one on Sunday afternoon. Now, I may be a bit sleepy after an all night crop, but this is doable. So he starts hassling me, standing right behind me, about how fast you have to type or you'll time out. OK, I'm ready. You have one minute to fill in your name, address, and crap like that. Seems easy enough. My name hasn't changed for a while. Then, on the next window, you have 3 minutes to fill in all your credit card info. 3 minutes? Do you know how many things one mom can do in 3 minutes? His only question was, "Where's your card?"
HAHA, baby, I don't need no stinkin credit card. I've had that memorized for years. The only time I pull that out is to pay for gas. I go burning up the keyboard and have that done in 30 seconds flat. Actually, I think I scared him. Anyway, the confirmation screen came up and everything was peachy and my family awarded me the GOLD. What a night!! Mom comes through!! Now I'm thinking there are a couple more things I need to order before he changes my credit card number. I'll have to finish this later...


gamergeekwife said...

Men, should they ever doubt us?? I think that was a wickedly funny story! I'm so proud of your Gold medal!Yes I was trying to describe me to you without using a last name with my blog because I've been "advised" against doing that "just in case". Yes sweet pea, I knew it was your blog from your Christmas letter.
I am very impressed with your all night cropping plans-we have a small scrap book store here, but I've never made it to one of the crops. That is on my "some day" list. Amy(as of Amy and Jonathan S.-Frankie's former roommate) is pregnant! Jonathan a father can you imagine??? He doesn't even pretend to be grumpy or serious anymore-he is just the sweetest man. We still attend CBC for AWANA-I help in the Cubbies-isn't it great! I think I have more fun than the Cubbies do.
Better go break at work is over.

Jennifer H.

Anonymous said...

oh my!!! i love it!! Don got us tickets to the Cards game in STL and when he was given the requisit 3 min he had down stairs, out the front door, get to his car and find his wallet, then get back upstairs... we unded up in the wheelchair reserve spot. by the need to have your OWN chair for those "seats"