Thursday, September 07, 2006


These are some folks that needed a home for a couple weeks. First is Minn, a painted turtle. Max, the one stuck to the side of the tank in the bottom right, is the guy who cleans up after him. Talk about the cure being worse than the disease... no, he's a cutie in his own way. The other tank houses Frodo and Sam, a pair of geckos. These guys are just amazing. Matthew and I are just getting nothing done because we're just downstairs all the time playing with the new kids. Minn eats hotdogs. Now that really surprised me, but he's been living on them for a year and a half now, so who am I to question that? Our instructions say that he eats a good sized chunk every day. Then, if he's taking pot shots at Max, we should give him another chunk. Apparently, Max does fine on what Minn leaves behind. The boys were quite impressed by the skull in the bottom of the tank. They probably think Max cleaned that up himself for a trophy. Frodo and Sam came in with a few crickets and now have those all cleaned up. I feel bad because they can't have our crickets. Dad just sprayed around here and we're afraid that's how poor Edward lost his fight. He was a tiny painted turtle that we had for about 3 months. He mostly ate flies, but we'd toss him a June bug or something now and then. Then one day he just stopped eating and died a few days later. So we're getting all of these guys' food from Earl May. The geckos also came with some mealie worms. I was having fun hand feeding them the worms and then Matthew wanted to try. I told him that they'd probably catch his finger, but it didn't hurt and they let go fast. Well, of course that's not what happens when they get a soft, tender little Matthew finger. Sam hung on pretty well. OOOPS!! I could tell it stung because his eyes welled up quite a bit. We found a pair of tweezers and moved on to Plan B!!! Sam ate quite a few, but Frodo didn't eat any. Morgan thought we better call their parents to find out for sure what to do. Diane said that was quite normal and they'd eat when they're hungry and they can pretty much eat all they want. So anyway, we feel better and later did get Frodo to eat a couple worms. I'll have to head to Earl May pretty soon to get some non-bug sprayed crickets.
The final photo is Bugger Man wondering what happened to his role in the family! Ah, nothing replaces a fuzzy face!!!


gamergeekwife said...

Oh, animal sitting sounds fun. Jewel and Cannon were really into turtles, but that love has faded. Now Jewel thinks she needs fish;which would be fine and dandy if we had the room for a tank (we truly don't). Besides,,, when Frank and I lived in U.V. we had fish and I loved them-well to death anyway. I pulled a Marie Barrone and fed them 3xs a day not knowing fish should only be fed 1x a day. But I also wasn't very well educated about cleaning the tank, but I knew not to use any soap:). I would love to have fish some day again, but it would have to be a secure tank so our cats did not find themselves an extra snack. Is the turtle difficult to care for?
Neat pics.

Unknown said...

No, but he's messy! He doesn't leave the rocks alone, but the tank can be cleaned with a net and that algae sucker (Max). We fed our turtle flies, which left a real mess, but this one just eats hotdogs, so it's a pretty easy cleaning job!!