Thursday, October 12, 2006

Oh, those Cubbies!

Well, ya just gotta love them! I already knew we'd be short the two high school helpers because of homecoming week and their activities. Then Michael got home yesterday and was trying to fuss around about being sick. I wasn't listening. I knew I'd be going without him, but he was pretending to fight the good fight. HA. Anyway, as I was getting set up, I grabbed a gal who likes to help anywhere needed. Thing is, she's on oxygen and has to drag around the little cylinder. No problem, she says, she takes it everywhere and never lets it slow her down. As the Cubbies were starting to come in, one of the new ones steps in, drops her coat showing a little pink leopard print outfit and exclaims, "Don't I just look like a doll in this outfit?!?" She really did! As the night drew on, I was noticing that one of the other leaders didn't show up either. She probably told me about this, but that doesn't always help when you're in the thick of things and wonder where your help is!!! Well anyway, the Cubbies never notice. They had a great time, learned their verses, had their snacks and did their craft. I'm sure enjoying this year. My kids are doing very well in their groups, too. Morgan will probably be done with his book by Thanksgiving, Matthew's pulling along well and Mallory is a little behind her classmates, but is making such great progress! She didn't finish her book last year, but has her goals all set to get this one done in the next few weeks. I just love seeing her dedication. Just still wish there was a way her math skills could help her here!!
It's late, off to bed!

1 comment:

gamergeekwife said...

Oh I always feel so badly when I can't make it to help at Cubbies b/c I know with high energy tots even a few missing hands/bodies can spell disaster; sounds like the Lord was watching out for you though. Isn't it funny how the kids can pull energy/fuel out of you when you think the tank is empty?
Okie my break is over better go!
Sunny days to you all!