The woodcutters are at it again. I'm supposed to be making coffee. It's brewing. They had me come out to get some pictures a while ago, and I just had to post this one. If there's anything I truly must pass on to my daughter, it's the ability to make it clearly understood when you find something irritating or unpleasant. None of this "suck it up," no, that's for the boys. It's a way of making it miserable for anyone who might try to make things miserable for me. All about me, ya know... That's what my dad says, anyway.
Hey Michelle,
I am so glad that you have this blog, makes it easy to keep up with you and the family. Rick, Jenna and I have gotten moved in to your old house and are getting settled. Please give me a call when you have a chance, # is 0010.
So good to hear from you!!! I'll try to call this afternoon!!!
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