Since everyone likes a good list, I thought I'd post the one we got in Sunday morning Bible study last week. We're going through Tommy Nelson's Song of Solomon conference on video and it is just so much fun. Anyway, here's the list:
17 "Nevers" of communicating with your spouse
1. Never raise your voice in your home. (Easy enough... except when I need to yell)
2. Never publicly embarrass your mate. (Good one. Never do it)
3. Never argue in front of the children. (Understandable, but sometimes I need them for backup)
4. Never use the kids to win an argument. (Just shot #3)
5. Never talk about your spouse outside of your marriage. (Always support him, even behind his back. Learned that one in pre-marital counseling)
6. Never use sex to win. (Wouldn't do that. But he doesn't get any until I win)
7. Never touch in anger. (I love how this leaves room for throwing things)
8. Never call names. (Okay, that's childish, but sometimes necessary)
9. Never get historical and call into account a wrong suffered. (What's the point of a good memory?)
10. Never stomp out. (Get him to)
11. Never freeze your mate out. (Leave him a good coat)
12. Never use the in-laws. (Good advice. Especially when you're living with them)
13. Never reason in the face of pain. (Very good. Don't do it)
14. Never let the sun go down on your anger and give the devil an opportunity. (Make him stay up till you're done)
15. Never reverse an argument. (Very hard to do. This has squelched way too many arguments I would have like to have finished this week)
16. Never fail to listen to your mate. (Had that one. We're both good at that)
17. Never harden yourself toward your spouse. (That would be the end)
So we've been using those this week, and it's surprising how many times you find yourself in the middle of something you shouldn't do. And you can even see why, but then that blows the argument, and well, sometimes you figure out that you didn't need to be arguing about it in the first place. Oh, well.
If anyone has the opportunity to see the videos, take it. They are so worthwhile for everyone. While we are always told right and wrong, this really points out the rewards of doing things right. There is also a series for the unmarried, but this one covers that as well. I really hope to get to go through them again. An absolute gold mine of information for loving your spouse even more.