October 31... Halloween and Bugger-Man's birthday. He's not so fond of the kids or the camera, so when I sent them to get a birthday picture, I didn't have a whole lot of good shots to post. Anyway, he's 14 years old now and outlived the other two. We lost Haze two years ago spring, about six days before his birthday. I probably would have posted some memorial about him, but this spring I was dealing with Joey's bad heart. I lost him just three days before his birthday. So Bugger making it to 14 is kind of a big deal to me, but the kids and I still spent the day kind of missing Joey and Haze. They really were great cats. They were kids' cats. Joey would put up with anything. Matthew used to follow him around clutching his tail, and it never bothered him. He was also their nurse. If anyone was sick and lying on the couch, there he was holding the covers down. Hazey was my foot cat. No matter where my feet were, he covered them. I really miss those guys. And it's worse on the kids, because Bugger doesn't like them. He's the flighty kind of adult cat that really doesn't like fast-movers. Matthew's not really pleased about him being the only cat we have now. Poor guy.
Anyway, the trick-or-treating went well. The Bat-boys had their costumes from last year, but Mallory got a new one. Her Rapunzel was just not going to fit again. I expanded it as far as it would go for it to fit last year! But we only do two year costumes, so it didn't matter. We put together a really nice angel for her. She helped pick out the pattern and the fabrics and all the trimmings. I was pretty concerned about the wings, but she eventually found those, too! That was a relief!! I had no idea how I was going to do those!! But we had a really good time and went to several houses. The kids don't really know the knock, get your candy and leave routine. Anywhere we go, we go in and talk for a while. They play with any of the pets or toddlers that were left behind until Mom gets done talking! Michael was really surprised the first year we came back with that much candy after only going to about six houses. Around here, there aren't many trick-or-treaters, so you get loaded at the houses that are prepared! He also said that when he was a kid, he'd just go straight down the street whether he knew the people or not. I thought that was kinda boring. Well, anyway, it's all about the kids so we do what they like. I let them pick most of the houses. It's fun now that we can visit their friends now and not just mine!
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