Thursday, November 22, 2007

First Snow

This is probably going to show up as a Thursday post instead of Wednesday, because it is a bit after midnight, but I had to post our first snow. It didn't really snow all that much, maybe an inch, but it snowed nearly all day, and we had that excitement around the house that makes winter just almost tolerable. Morgan wanted to go out about every half hour, just coming in long enough to warm up. You notice his problem might be in the number of layers, but you try to tell him that. Trust me, this is easier. Besides, he hates it when his clothes get wet, so this makes for fewer wet clothes. Kinda scary when I understand his thinking. Anyway, tomorrow's Thanksgiving and I'm sure there will be something for me to do, so I'd best get to bed now.

We also got a corner cleared out in the basement for Matthew's drum set. I still have time to prepare myself for this. I really want it for him, but I know how quickly I go from excited to over the edge. Pray for me. Please.

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