I guess everyone always said they never thought something like this would happen in our town, but it did. Our families around the country have been calling to check on us and as far as I know, we and all of our family are safe. Our friends who are expecting in late February were corralled into a store without knowing what was going on and got out safely, but by the time they got to the car they decided to get to a hospital. It was decided that she wasn't actually in real labor, but they wanted to get it to stop, whatever it was! We also found out this morning that a friend lost her cousin, so our prayers go out to Pam and her family. Wow, one more day and he could have been snowed in. It's impossible to understand this stuff, but easier to cope when you trust that God is in control. He sure didn't want this to happen, but He's there for those who turn to Him.
Matthew had a pretty bad crash on his snowboard this morning. We didn't realize how bad it was until he settled down this evening and the pain set in! It's swollen really bad and it sounds like he's in quite a bit of pain! Looks a lot like my knee when I hurt it in college. Not quite as bad and hopefully he's young enough to recover better than I did!! Knowing him, he'll be back on that same hill tomorrow. Lessons aren't the same to all.
So glad you are all okay. What a junky thing to happen esp. before Christmas.
So glad you are all alright.
Good for people to know.
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