I've been struggling with a low-key cold for a long time and have, particularly the last couple days, become quite lazy. As I was blog-perusing this morning, I found that one of my friends has a name for this!! I am decompressing!! I may not be doing it as well as she, but that must be what I'm doing!! My cold isn't really bad enough to keep me in bed, but it does keep me stuffed up and very slow moving. Our shipping has gone down from about 15 or more packages to just 3 or 4, so there may be a bit of depression and anxiety there, too! I normally attribute my late nights to the fun stuff on the computer: writing ads and newsletters or designing my store or website, but lately, it's just been really bad reruns of Seinfeld. I can't even tell you why I watch that! Those people are just wrong!! Talk about the darker side of humanity... But anyway, school will start on Monday, so it's time to start thinking about getting lives and schedules back in order. That will be good for the soul. One can only take so much time off. Mine's been a little over the limit. My brother is coming this week, so Christmas isn't quite over in our neck of the woods. It took a while for them to decide when they were coming, but Michael and I could have told you the minute Michael got a catering job. Troy only comes when we have catering going on!! But I don't get to see much of him anymore, so I'll take what I can get.
Ok, I'm going to get back to my decompressing. I better take it a little more seriously since I only have a day or two more of it!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Back to School
Michael sent me to school today. They are offering some tax classes at our local community college and he thought it would be good for me to go. I guess he said this shortly after we set up our new business, but I said that I didn't need any stupid tax classes. A short time ago, I got a post card in the mail advertising some tax classes for small businesses that I thought looked helpful. This is when I found out that he had already told me about this and I about took his head off. Nothing new there, I guess. So anyway, here I am in a little class room studying business tax. I really think we should find someone else to do this. It sure looks way over my head, but Mom has been doing it for several years now so she should be able to help me through it. I hope. Wow. Well, possibly it would work better if I paid attention. Better go.
Monday, November 17, 2008
wow wow wow wow wow!!!
Shipping took less than half the time it usually does! I love my new shipping room!! I'm going to miss it as my cake room, but like I said, I do way more shipping than cakes now so...
Jeremy's coming over to build our lockers and tote shelves tonight. This is just so incredible. I guess that which you wait for becomes all the more sweet when you get it! The boys are actually disappointed that they lose the totes out of their room, but oh well!! They need to be building forts outside anyway.
Ok, I have some returns to take care of so I'd best get busy. I just couldn't believe how fun shipping was this morning with everything in one place and a great countertop to boot!
Jeremy's coming over to build our lockers and tote shelves tonight. This is just so incredible. I guess that which you wait for becomes all the more sweet when you get it! The boys are actually disappointed that they lose the totes out of their room, but oh well!! They need to be building forts outside anyway.
Ok, I have some returns to take care of so I'd best get busy. I just couldn't believe how fun shipping was this morning with everything in one place and a great countertop to boot!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Yes, shocked I say! My blog is still here! Are you? Highly doubtful, but that's never stopped me before.
My mom and I actually went to a movie together. We've done this once before. The last time was the Nate Saint movie. Today we went to Fireproof. Michael told us to take a box of kleenexes each, but we forgot. Wow, was he right. Anyway, EVERYONE needs to see this one! Oh, be careful little eyes what you see!
Anyway, a lot has been happening around here. Boxes in, boxes out, every day. We're having a lot of fun, and business seems to be working. We'd like to see it work a little better, but we're quite impressed with it so far! Michael has been enjoying being the main teacher and I pretty much do the shipping and receiving. He'll source and order the products we sell, then I write the ads for them. Then it starts all over! We've finally got some shelves going up. I planned on those a long time ago, but it wasn't to be. We also bought a ton of shelving to store things downstairs. Think I'm getting my "lockers" in the mud room tomorrow. All of our storage totes are in the boys' room right now. That was so we could clear out the basement to put up all the shelves to clear out the living room of all the toys we're selling on ebay. Then tomorrow I'll get the shelves to clear out the totes from the boys' room! I thought they would get more upset about this, but nooooo... they just build forts with them! Actually, it's no harder than usual to get around in there.
We're eagerly anticipating a visit from Nana and Papa next week. This will be the first time they have stayed with us. They usually get a hotel room, but we found out that was just so they didn't have to go outside to smoke... but... (DOUBLE BLESSING AHEAD>>>) THEY QUIT SMOKING!!! Yayy Nana and Papa!!! No easy thing, let me tell you... and I didn't smoke that long. We are so proud of them. The kids have prayed for them so much over this! It's so nice to see their prayers answered. But anyway, we haven't seen them for more than a year, so we are really anxious for them to get here. This will be their first time to see our new house. We're really excited about that, too.
Ok, Morgan's off my computer so I can print labels for tomorrow's boxes. I'd best get busy. We also pretty much cleared out my cake room for a shipping room. I do more shipping than cakes at the moment, so it's worth it... for now!
My mom and I actually went to a movie together. We've done this once before. The last time was the Nate Saint movie. Today we went to Fireproof. Michael told us to take a box of kleenexes each, but we forgot. Wow, was he right. Anyway, EVERYONE needs to see this one! Oh, be careful little eyes what you see!
Anyway, a lot has been happening around here. Boxes in, boxes out, every day. We're having a lot of fun, and business seems to be working. We'd like to see it work a little better, but we're quite impressed with it so far! Michael has been enjoying being the main teacher and I pretty much do the shipping and receiving. He'll source and order the products we sell, then I write the ads for them. Then it starts all over! We've finally got some shelves going up. I planned on those a long time ago, but it wasn't to be. We also bought a ton of shelving to store things downstairs. Think I'm getting my "lockers" in the mud room tomorrow. All of our storage totes are in the boys' room right now. That was so we could clear out the basement to put up all the shelves to clear out the living room of all the toys we're selling on ebay. Then tomorrow I'll get the shelves to clear out the totes from the boys' room! I thought they would get more upset about this, but nooooo... they just build forts with them! Actually, it's no harder than usual to get around in there.
We're eagerly anticipating a visit from Nana and Papa next week. This will be the first time they have stayed with us. They usually get a hotel room, but we found out that was just so they didn't have to go outside to smoke... but... (DOUBLE BLESSING AHEAD>>>) THEY QUIT SMOKING!!! Yayy Nana and Papa!!! No easy thing, let me tell you... and I didn't smoke that long. We are so proud of them. The kids have prayed for them so much over this! It's so nice to see their prayers answered. But anyway, we haven't seen them for more than a year, so we are really anxious for them to get here. This will be their first time to see our new house. We're really excited about that, too.
Ok, Morgan's off my computer so I can print labels for tomorrow's boxes. I'd best get busy. We also pretty much cleared out my cake room for a shipping room. I do more shipping than cakes at the moment, so it's worth it... for now!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
More on Mallory...
They auctioned them off that evening and Mallory's pie went for $375!! All the money goes for the seniors' trip to Washington, D.C, so you really can't go wrong. Grandpa was planning on bidding on it, but it started above his allowance. Mallory said she could probably make him one for less.
On another subject, the tall boy beside Mallory in the auction photo was seriously injured in a car accident that killed a man. The boy is still in the hospital, so we would all very much appreciate your prayers for him. Both girls behind Mallory making her pie were in the accident, too, but they are home and doing well, although one was saved by the car's side impact air bags and still had to be extracted by jaws of life. She has a pin in her femur. There were five kids in the car and the other vehicle was a motorcycle. The man on the motorcycle was killed instantly. You can imagine how this accident has impacted our small town, so please remember all of the families in your prayers.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Where's my picture??
Yes, I knew that would cause a ruckus. I'm so unfair. The boys were at camp, too, and feel slighted that I didn't post a picture of them. I really wasn't around them much because they were always in a water fight. I'm not much of an outdoors gal, and less of a get-wet gal, and much less of a defend yourself gal. Now paintball might be fun, but since I'm not very war-oriented, I don't imagine that's for me, either. Target practice is good. Indoor target practice is really good. Anyway, I spent most of my free time in the geek infested lobby, which was the only place we could get internet. Actually, internet came in well from about 2 am until 8 am, so if you know much about me, you know that the world isn't really grateful about my presence at that particular time. Michael took me into town a couple afternoons for good coffee and good internet. No, it wasn't the highlight of my week, but it was close!
The first night we were there, a gal was trying to herd three little kids all by herself. I thought that was a bit much to ask, so I told her that there were plenty of moms in our little group, plus a couple-three pretty good baby-sitters, so she should feel free to ask for help. She pretty much fell apart and said that she was planning on going home! Wow... just in time!! So a couple of us convinced her that we could do this together, and she agreed to stay. Another seasoned Maranatha mom led her to the Play Park where you can just leave your littlest ones for what looked like all day Bible school. They even had a stroller to lend her. That was really great! Anyway, it was pretty obvious throughout the week that her little ones knew her buttons and in what order to push them!! So she got her Play Park escapes, and Mallory really took to her little Bailee and she actually got some fun time on her own, too. It's fun to run into people like that. We did have a really great time. The boys did, too, it's just that I hardly ever saw them. Matthew joined me at the craft hut for a little while, but didn't take on any overtime.
Well, I better get this posted and get moving on. Name tag girl gets really flustered when she gets there late! You should try that sometime... hand out alphabetized nametags to everyone you see, gather the names of those you don't know, try to answer questions of your friends and while sorting the important questions from the bickering of your kids, and try to remember everything you were going to ask someone at church today! It can really scramble your brain!! Although most of my answers go something like: "L, M, N, O, P... who was I looking for?"
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
better days...
although I have to say, my back hasn't been too bad, my feet have been fine and my contacts don't burn at all. This is primarily due to the fact that I had dental work done today. That really seems to make everything else feel like nothing. So I've been moping around all day, dizzy and numb and mostly sick from the Novocaine, and sleeping a LOT! I told Michael I would be pretty worthless today. Good thing he's nice about it.
The really bad part is that he bought me a Rainbow yesterday, and I've hardly played with it at all! Morgan vacuumed the living room and his room and we've all done a little, but not all I'd like to do. I had a few minutes to blow before the dentist this morning, so I pulled the fridge out to see what I could find back there. Not too bad, but I've always kept up on that pretty well. The Rainbow guys wanted to take Kirby as trade for the shampooing unit, but I wasn't having any of that!! Kirby stays, period!! I gave them a Bissell that Michael gave me for Christmas a couple years back, but that was only because this little bugger will do everything that did and then some. We were pretty nervous to be spending that kind of money this early in the game, but we were pretty convinced that this could improve our air quality. Matthew and I have been struggling pretty hard with allergies, so now we're working on some names of folks who would watch a Rainbow demonstration. For every two couples willing to watch a demo, we get another room purifier, so if you're at all willing to watch, let me know!! You even get two nights in a Holiday Inn for free, just for watching! It really is fun and the guys showing them are really decent guys. Great to the kids, and not pushy at all. I knew I had wanted one since we got married, but had put it out of mind when we got Kirby. We only saw a demo so my mom could get her purifiers, but it was fun for Michael to see why I wanted one so badly. Matthew said he didn't practice saying "NO" enough!
Ok, well I was going to try to catch up with life in order here, but this Novocaine has me pretty scrambled. My other Maranatha pictures are on the PC, so I guess I can't even end with that. Oh, well... maybe I can add to this in the morning. No proofreading, Mom, today's been pretty rough!
The really bad part is that he bought me a Rainbow yesterday, and I've hardly played with it at all! Morgan vacuumed the living room and his room and we've all done a little, but not all I'd like to do. I had a few minutes to blow before the dentist this morning, so I pulled the fridge out to see what I could find back there. Not too bad, but I've always kept up on that pretty well. The Rainbow guys wanted to take Kirby as trade for the shampooing unit, but I wasn't having any of that!! Kirby stays, period!! I gave them a Bissell that Michael gave me for Christmas a couple years back, but that was only because this little bugger will do everything that did and then some. We were pretty nervous to be spending that kind of money this early in the game, but we were pretty convinced that this could improve our air quality. Matthew and I have been struggling pretty hard with allergies, so now we're working on some names of folks who would watch a Rainbow demonstration. For every two couples willing to watch a demo, we get another room purifier, so if you're at all willing to watch, let me know!! You even get two nights in a Holiday Inn for free, just for watching! It really is fun and the guys showing them are really decent guys. Great to the kids, and not pushy at all. I knew I had wanted one since we got married, but had put it out of mind when we got Kirby. We only saw a demo so my mom could get her purifiers, but it was fun for Michael to see why I wanted one so badly. Matthew said he didn't practice saying "NO" enough!
Ok, well I was going to try to catch up with life in order here, but this Novocaine has me pretty scrambled. My other Maranatha pictures are on the PC, so I guess I can't even end with that. Oh, well... maybe I can add to this in the morning. No proofreading, Mom, today's been pretty rough!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
We're back!!
We made some new friends along the way and got to see friends we made last year. Another couple is working on the internet, too, but we actually learned that this spring at the Couples' Retreat. It was fun to catch up with how they are doing their business and talk about activities! They pretty much inspired us to step out into the unknown!! I also met some guys who loved to talk Mac, so I learned a lot on that, too! Ok, this doesn't sound much like camping, but how do you think they get me to go??
Poor Mallory got sick on the last night. We got to see a magic show and hear some fantastic kids from Lincoln sing, but then she got sick right before fireworks. Bummer. She was looking forward to that all week, then missed it! I was trying to find links for the people who did the magic and the kids that sang, but I'm not finding either one right now. I'll post more if I find it!!
Anyway, have to move back to my website now. I'll try to catch up soon!! Thanks so much for your patience!!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Fireworks and more...
We went to a nice little gathering in the park for a fundraiser/firework show Saturday night. One of our nearby towns just fixed their gazebo and they had a military appreciation dinner and lots of other skits and fun stuff. Later, they started setting up for fireworks. We were already freezing, but who knew to bring jackets in late June?? Anyway, we were just sitting around talking when a gal came around for donations for the fireworks. Morgan asked what donations were. I guess he's familiar with an offering plate, but not a donation bucket. Michael told him it was money to help pay for the fireworks. Well, after sitting there freezing our toes off for a good half hour, he got a bit concerned. "You mean they still have to go get them?" I was glad they didn't!! It was really cold. And about the time the grand finale hit we were all standing and folding up chairs as the first raindrops hit! Talk about timing!! Most everyone got to their cars fairly dry!
On the way home, we were talking about a bear that a local game warden shot near his house. Yes, a black bear in Iowa. Rather amazing. It really did seem strange that this bear's first reported sighting was outside the game warden's house, but it was Mom that actually said it out loud. "Why did he go to the game warden's house?" I gave the only answer I knew. "All bears are supposed to check in with the game warden."
They both remind me a lot of my brother. In a good way, of course!
On the way home, we were talking about a bear that a local game warden shot near his house. Yes, a black bear in Iowa. Rather amazing. It really did seem strange that this bear's first reported sighting was outside the game warden's house, but it was Mom that actually said it out loud. "Why did he go to the game warden's house?" I gave the only answer I knew. "All bears are supposed to check in with the game warden."
They both remind me a lot of my brother. In a good way, of course!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My poor Mallory left for 4-H Camp on Sunday. Yeah, I know I was going to camp in 4th grade, but that's ONLY because Teacher Brenda went with me. She's going into 6th grade and couldn't have cared less who else was going. She's always been way more adventurous than I was. As everyone else was getting their hugs goodbye in the parking lot, she was building her nest in the back seat, "Who else is riding back here?" No tears there. Then there's no Mallory to tuck in at night, no Mallory to help with shipping and receiving all our packages, no Mallory helping me get set for VBS Crafts next week... But at least I can be pretty sure she's having fun. I'd worry about the boys. They've never been quite like that. But this is still her first time! Of course, she's been packed since March. She got that from my mom. I don't pack. She'll pack me for Maranatha, and that's good. heehee. Ok, I'll stop crying to you and get busy. She comes home tomorrow. I think I can make it.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Here's something you don't see every day...
Of course, you don't see the end of a war every day, either, but here's what one newspaper ran on the day of Peace, Aug 15, 1945:
Let Us Thank God
To Almighty God, for this blessed peace restored to a war-torn world, a grateful people offer devout thanksgivings.
Thank God, we say, the war is over at last. The guns are stilled. The bombs plunge no longer on their missions of death. Mothers and wives and sweethearts can breathe with unfettered hearts. Our loved ones will be coming home. An evil enemy has been crushed.
But there are many who are not here to rejoice with us this great day--because they gave their lives so we could have this day. Give them our prayers, our undying gratitude, our promise to cherish forever the ideals they freely died for. And for peace with victory, let us thank the All-Merciful God.
Wow, a time when the First Amendment included, and was not ashamed of God.
Anyway, this was a paper we sold on ebay and I just noticed that as I was packing it up to ship. Had to get that down before I forgot it. If ya think school's out for the summer... you're wrong!
Let Us Thank God
To Almighty God, for this blessed peace restored to a war-torn world, a grateful people offer devout thanksgivings.
Thank God, we say, the war is over at last. The guns are stilled. The bombs plunge no longer on their missions of death. Mothers and wives and sweethearts can breathe with unfettered hearts. Our loved ones will be coming home. An evil enemy has been crushed.
But there are many who are not here to rejoice with us this great day--because they gave their lives so we could have this day. Give them our prayers, our undying gratitude, our promise to cherish forever the ideals they freely died for. And for peace with victory, let us thank the All-Merciful God.
Wow, a time when the First Amendment included, and was not ashamed of God.
Anyway, this was a paper we sold on ebay and I just noticed that as I was packing it up to ship. Had to get that down before I forgot it. If ya think school's out for the summer... you're wrong!
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Moving right along
Well, for now, I have to get to a wedding cake. Funny how life goes on whether you're ready or not. I'm thinking of taking next Saturday off to go cropping. Haven't had a day off since the beginning of April and my head is really full. Not sure if I'd really take the day off, though. Probably take the Mac with me and watch the site. But anyway... onward!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Finding "stuff"
Anyway, the clothing I purchased is maternity, so Rachel modeled it all for me for pictures for the ads! She is so cute and she really seemed to enjoy herself. I hope so anyway! I don't remember enjoying anything when I was pregnant!!
So we have been listing the clothing, the scrapbooking, and several odds and ends we find. Most of the antiques we have are more valuable to us than anyone else, but it seems like antiques do the best on ebay. So last weekend we went to an auction! Talk about fun!! This was bigger than I ever could have imagined, but since it was my first, I have no idea if that's just how they are. They had three 6-8 table rings of stuff that they mostly sold a box at a time. Then there were four more farm flatbeds full, plus furniture and steel/iron antiques surrounding this guy's garage. We spent less than $150 and had the car absolutely PACKED!! It was mostly little $1-5 boxes of assorted stuff. We had gone to this guy's garage the night before to see what he was going to have. It was all packed in so tight that we hardly saw anything! But we took some notes and went home and did some research on what we saw. Saturday morning we kept hearing, "Oh, you're the folks that came up last night?" Ok, so that's not so common, but we're still glad we did! Things we liked were in boxes with lots of other stuff, so we really had to know what we were doing. Everyone else would bid on things that caught their fancy, but we're off of our salary now so every dime counts for us!! We are pretty sure we did well. We got things photographed yesterday and started listing some of them last night. The boys are having the hardest time. A lot of these things are antique/vintage toys. They can't believe we want to sell Hot Wheels track and old cap guns. They are pretty sure those would be better off in their hands. I told them they could pray however they wanted, but this is our bread and butter now! It's still hard. The hardest part is putting a shopaholic on ebay daily. Michael keeps looking at his email and wondering what I'm bidding on now. I'm trying. It's just really hard! I really feel for the boys too! It's rough!! We all have to have a little self control, but that's pretty much life!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
One day at a time...
My weeks are just getting crazier and shorter! Last weekend, I tried to do my mom a favor and had a friend get my old Gateway computer up and running for her. Then, I got it sneaked into her house and all hooked up so she'd be ready to go. I even bookmarked all her IE favorites so that would be the same when she opened it.
Well, I don't know how much can really be the same when one is used to Windows 98 and I put in an XP. But I also transferred her flowering crab onto her screen like she was used to, so there wasn't any immediate shell-shock. It took her a while to figure out why everything was so different, but she was happy! But, within the first 12 hours, she lost power. It was the power supply we switched out, so I have no idea what happened there, but it just wouldn't start back up. So, first thing Monday morning, I ran up to Mom's to hook up the old Compaq. I think it has about 3MB of memory or so. Really fast, too. But anyway, I fo
und the poor girl cleaning her house, so I knew I had to do something. I got her fixed up, then headed home to my computer. As soon as I got there, my chiropractor called to say that I missed my appointment and Grandma Rose was pulling up on her lawn mower with some flowers that needed transplanted. Everything always happens at once. Anyhoo... Clyde was very helpful with the flowers! The chiropractor rescheduled us for the afternoon, which all worked out well. Matthew went with me because of his allergies and afterwards I got so hungry I was getting a bit shaky, so I headed up to the DQ. Matthew was completely shocked that there was a DQ in Plattsmouth. There are some things that I don't tell a car full of kids that I just might share with one!
Well anyway, that was last week and I have so much to tell about yesterday but have to get going. I do the name tags at church and have to get there pretty early, so I must move! I'll finish later! Always later!
Well anyway, that was last week and I have so much to tell about yesterday but have to get going. I do the name tags at church and have to get there pretty early, so I must move! I'll finish later! Always later!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
World of Opportunity
It's pretty incredible what all is going on for us right now. The sad side is that the grocery store where I was working in the bakery is closing in a week or two. I really did hope to go back there someday when my family doesn't need me so much. Nothing ever stays the same, I know. It's also possible that I'll get a lot more cakes because of this, but I'm still sad to lose that store.
The other thing going on is a new adventure for us. Michael only has one more day at the Ambassador, and then we're on our own! We'll be selling "stuff" on ebay. We're not limiting ourselves to anything in particular, although I've purchased an awful lot of clothing already!! I've been having a lot of fun writing up commentaries on our "stuff" and watching what happens! We've also been working on a website. That may not be up for a while, but I'll keep you posted when it is! We don't have a lot of our own direction right now because we don't know if what we want to sell is really what will sell, although my fashion degree may finally be paying off. Even the Merchandising they FORCED me to take is turning out to be an advantage!! Anyway, Michael has been researching this for a lot longer than even I realized, and we've been taking it on together for a couple months now. I've mostly been learning to post the ads and figure out the shipping processes, but he's been doing most of the sourcing, researching and studying others' successes and failures. My part is much more fun!!
Anyway, we're really looking forward to Michael being here full time so we can really work this together. The kids are getting excited about what they can do, too. The future looks really bright!!
The other thing going on is a new adventure for us. Michael only has one more day at the Ambassador, and then we're on our own! We'll be selling "stuff" on ebay. We're not limiting ourselves to anything in particular, although I've purchased an awful lot of clothing already!! I've been having a lot of fun writing up commentaries on our "stuff" and watching what happens! We've also been working on a website. That may not be up for a while, but I'll keep you posted when it is! We don't have a lot of our own direction right now because we don't know if what we want to sell is really what will sell, although my fashion degree may finally be paying off. Even the Merchandising they FORCED me to take is turning out to be an advantage!! Anyway, Michael has been researching this for a lot longer than even I realized, and we've been taking it on together for a couple months now. I've mostly been learning to post the ads and figure out the shipping processes, but he's been doing most of the sourcing, researching and studying others' successes and failures. My part is much more fun!!
Anyway, we're really looking forward to Michael being here full time so we can really work this together. The kids are getting excited about what they can do, too. The future looks really bright!!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Close call
Anyway, I thought I was keeping an eye on everyone and really even thought they were all in the house when Morgan came in screaming. He was really mad that they were dragging his bike and shoes down the ditch into the water. I headed out to try to get the bike and Jeff was on his way over from across the road. He and Matthew got everything back and I went back in to tell Morgan. Mallory was patching him up and he started telling us what happened. He was riding his bike up and down the driveway and was really quite sure I knew it. Anyway, he saw some trees start to move, so he stopped his bike. The trees kept moving and then swept him and his bike down the ditch. He said he grabbed a tree on the way down, but his bike and shoes kept going. From that point on, he seemed really scared and didn't really even want to talk about it. I seem to get more and more scared the more I think about it, too!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Happy Birthday Mallory!!
Anyway, compared to her brother, Mallory had a great birthday. They neither one really got parties this year, so we'll hopefully have some friends over this summer. I really want to make their cakes. They have huge plans for what they want and they had no time for a party! All the weekends were filled both months. We were exhausted, but now they want their "cakes by MOM."
The photo is of Mallory and the birthday cookie Teacher Brenda got her. She surprised her with a little birthday party at our favorite coffee shop. Brenda is working on some spelling/reading help for Mallory on Tuesdays while the boys are at PE. Why isn't Mallory at PE? Well, she's a lot like her mother and grandmother. Sports aren't her thing, but if she's interested enough to try, I'll certainly be there to cheer her on. And if her knees do what mine do, also to pick her up afterwards!
Monday, February 18, 2008
How I spent my birthday
Sunday, January 27, 2008
I realize I wasn't going to put cakes here anymore, but what's the point of being in charge if you can't break the rules now and then?
It wasn't my most amazing cake, but it was enough. There was a lot of interest in it and I did get my name to several people who do flowers and other things for weddings. I had to go take it down last night at 11pm, so I did meet some people as they were leaving. I just couldn't believe how amazed some people were. Makes me wonder what their wedding cakes looked like.
The GM for the hotel where this was held thought it almost looked like a fall cake with all the orange and the sunflowers. She's a quickie. Not getting one past her. I was almost worried about that. I was just thinking it was too far past fall to do a fall arrangement, but as the other tables were going up, I was seeing everything. There was another fall table, as well as a couple Christmas ones, so I have no idea why she thought I wasn't shooting for a fall theme, but there it was. It's hard not to look at people funny when they say something like that. Then again, I couldn't be snippy because I really want to get my cakes back in there. I used to do a lot of business in that hotel, but when Michael left his job there I just wasn't given any more work. Probably should learn not to be snippy altogether, but I tell ya, some people just bring it out. I suppose God puts those people there to see if I've learned anything yet. I'm trying.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Hanging up the hair net
Yep, it's all over. Have to change my profile. Things were getting tense enough at the bakery, and business has been picking up enough at home that Michael and I decided that I just didn't need to be there anymore. However, I will be picking up my Southern Living at HOME business, which I really can't figure out why I ever dropped at all. I love that. Anyway, since quitting I have received business and offers that I never imagined. I also have a friend that wants to set me up with a real website. That would be cool. But one of the offers I received was to make a cake for the Chamber Banquet tomorrow night. Wowsers. Big time. So what am I doing here? Good question. For one thing, I'm supposed to be making business cards. Have to get on that. I'm just so excited I can't see straight, let alone focus. The bow for the top is drying right now and I thought I needed some lunch before I start the detail on the cake. So just filling you in! Have to get back to it!! Pray for me!!
Sunday, January 06, 2008
I had a major accident getting out of the shower yesterday. Really stupid, but whacked my toe on the metal track for the sliding doors. Pretty sure it's broken, but Michael has said enough about his broken toe that I had no desire to go to the doctor. Besides, I had a 4-H meeting and had to work. So, the 4-H meeting wasn't too bad. No pressure or anything and I could move slowly. Work was a different story. I had taken a couple of orders that no one in their right mind would have taken in the first place, and didn't put very specific instructions because I knew what they wanted. That kinda locks me out of calling in sick. So I called over to explain the situation and that I was sure I could manage those two, but that I was leaving after that. And I certainly was NOT parking in the back lot. Well, Bonnie was sick with coughing type stuff, which you just can't mix with cake, so I was pretty much locked in to a whole day. Not the first time a mom's had to press on. But I still didn't park in the back lot. Bonnie's husband was there and fully willing to fetch the cakes to and from the cooler as I finished them and as people came to pick them up. That was a huge help.
It didn't take long before something else came up. We have really heavy sliding doors on our cabinets, and I kind of missed and slammed my fingers in that metal track. I'm not sure if this knocked me off balance or if there's some other reflex involved, but at the same time I kicked the milk crate stand I use to perch my bucket of frosting. I went down so fast. I could hear people on the other side of the counter but I just didn't care. I just laid there crying for so long. So much for security cameras. If I had tried to swipe some sprinkles they would have seen it, but could they see how badly I needed help?? NOOOOOOO...
Anyhoo... press on. It was only about two and a half hours later when two gals (employees) that I dearly love crossed paths right in front of the counter and simultaneously asked how I was doing. Well, I just fell apart. Diane could really do nothing for me, but Kimmy put on an apron and got to it, sending me out the door. I'm so glad for good friends. Especially when they know how to decorate cakes!
When I got home, my family was really great to me and took really good care of me. Grandpa stopped by with some painkillers, some of which he didn't really understand. Whatever... at least I got some sleep. On the couch with my foot way up on top. Now it's Sunday and I'm actually thinking of going to church without a shower. Just too scared right now and Michael's already gone.
Well, I have some tracks to make and I better figure out how I'm going to make them.
Bye for now and hope you all have a great time in God's House this morning!
It didn't take long before something else came up. We have really heavy sliding doors on our cabinets, and I kind of missed and slammed my fingers in that metal track. I'm not sure if this knocked me off balance or if there's some other reflex involved, but at the same time I kicked the milk crate stand I use to perch my bucket of frosting. I went down so fast. I could hear people on the other side of the counter but I just didn't care. I just laid there crying for so long. So much for security cameras. If I had tried to swipe some sprinkles they would have seen it, but could they see how badly I needed help?? NOOOOOOO...
Anyhoo... press on. It was only about two and a half hours later when two gals (employees) that I dearly love crossed paths right in front of the counter and simultaneously asked how I was doing. Well, I just fell apart. Diane could really do nothing for me, but Kimmy put on an apron and got to it, sending me out the door. I'm so glad for good friends. Especially when they know how to decorate cakes!
When I got home, my family was really great to me and took really good care of me. Grandpa stopped by with some painkillers, some of which he didn't really understand. Whatever... at least I got some sleep. On the couch with my foot way up on top. Now it's Sunday and I'm actually thinking of going to church without a shower. Just too scared right now and Michael's already gone.
Well, I have some tracks to make and I better figure out how I'm going to make them.
Bye for now and hope you all have a great time in God's House this morning!
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Another adventure
Picture, if you will, a young restaurant critic seated at her computer...
It has been over a year now since our last adventure to a restaurant, not because our kids get us thrown out, but because if someone isn't trying to kill me with pepper, Michael is so disappointed with the food he gets a little unbearable. Fortunately, tonight was his turn. On our last visit, we chose a Red Lobster. I decided on a perky Captain Morgan's Pineapple Shrimp. My favorite rum, my favorite seafood and a lovely fruit to blend them together in sweetness. Now who would ever dream of adding pepper to that? Well, Red Lobster. And as I was gasping for air and trying not to soil their carpet, three different people came to tell me that I was not actually having a reaction because they had all read the ingredients and there was no pepper involved. This was a completely miserable experience only to be topped off by someone actually confessing that they had no idea what was in it because there was a dry batter involved that had no label. Did I mention that our appetizer had a hair in it? Twice?
So: on to our new adventure. I've grown a lot since then. Second guessing recipes just doesn't work because you never know if they're using the grill that they just used for blackened catfish or the tongs that they are also using to saute the habaneros. Waffles. Waffles and French Toast are usually pretty safe. So I order the waffles. A little later our petite waitress tells me they are out of waffles, and would I like pancakes instead? Well, ok, but at our house we pretty much just put the pancake batter in the waffle iron, but whatever. Pancakes are good. (You don't even have Eggos in the freezer for break time??)
Now Michael has ordered something that only a chef could pronounce and includes ingredients that, had they not been on a menu, I'm not sure I'd guess they were food. What he got was rock hard bread, grisly chicken (he mentioned something about knuckles in it), and cold onion rings. He later realized that some of those ingredients I couldn't remember weren't there, either. Anyway, their chef sent the waitress back to tell him he was wrong. She was very flustered. I filled our friends in on the wonderful relationship between waitress and chef. Michael and I lasted three months, if that. Anyhoo... after she heard what she was saying, she offered to get the chef to come talk about the sandwich. Big mistake. Michael was astounded that someone would actually treat a customer like this guy did. He just reiterated how wrong Michael was and how this was exactly how this sandwich should be made. I had to remind Michael about Red Lobster.
So, no stars for the Avenue Grill. Sorry.
It has been over a year now since our last adventure to a restaurant, not because our kids get us thrown out, but because if someone isn't trying to kill me with pepper, Michael is so disappointed with the food he gets a little unbearable. Fortunately, tonight was his turn. On our last visit, we chose a Red Lobster. I decided on a perky Captain Morgan's Pineapple Shrimp. My favorite rum, my favorite seafood and a lovely fruit to blend them together in sweetness. Now who would ever dream of adding pepper to that? Well, Red Lobster. And as I was gasping for air and trying not to soil their carpet, three different people came to tell me that I was not actually having a reaction because they had all read the ingredients and there was no pepper involved. This was a completely miserable experience only to be topped off by someone actually confessing that they had no idea what was in it because there was a dry batter involved that had no label. Did I mention that our appetizer had a hair in it? Twice?
So: on to our new adventure. I've grown a lot since then. Second guessing recipes just doesn't work because you never know if they're using the grill that they just used for blackened catfish or the tongs that they are also using to saute the habaneros. Waffles. Waffles and French Toast are usually pretty safe. So I order the waffles. A little later our petite waitress tells me they are out of waffles, and would I like pancakes instead? Well, ok, but at our house we pretty much just put the pancake batter in the waffle iron, but whatever. Pancakes are good. (You don't even have Eggos in the freezer for break time??)
Now Michael has ordered something that only a chef could pronounce and includes ingredients that, had they not been on a menu, I'm not sure I'd guess they were food. What he got was rock hard bread, grisly chicken (he mentioned something about knuckles in it), and cold onion rings. He later realized that some of those ingredients I couldn't remember weren't there, either. Anyway, their chef sent the waitress back to tell him he was wrong. She was very flustered. I filled our friends in on the wonderful relationship between waitress and chef. Michael and I lasted three months, if that. Anyhoo... after she heard what she was saying, she offered to get the chef to come talk about the sandwich. Big mistake. Michael was astounded that someone would actually treat a customer like this guy did. He just reiterated how wrong Michael was and how this was exactly how this sandwich should be made. I had to remind Michael about Red Lobster.
So, no stars for the Avenue Grill. Sorry.
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