Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Back to School

Michael sent me to school today. They are offering some tax classes at our local community college and he thought it would be good for me to go. I guess he said this shortly after we set up our new business, but I said that I didn't need any stupid tax classes. A short time ago, I got a post card in the mail advertising some tax classes for small businesses that I thought looked helpful. This is when I found out that he had already told me about this and I about took his head off. Nothing new there, I guess. So anyway, here I am in a little class room studying business tax. I really think we should find someone else to do this. It sure looks way over my head, but Mom has been doing it for several years now so she should be able to help me through it. I hope. Wow. Well, possibly it would work better if I paid attention. Better go.

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