Friday, January 25, 2008

Hanging up the hair net

Yep, it's all over. Have to change my profile. Things were getting tense enough at the bakery, and business has been picking up enough at home that Michael and I decided that I just didn't need to be there anymore. However, I will be picking up my Southern Living at HOME business, which I really can't figure out why I ever dropped at all. I love that. Anyway, since quitting I have received business and offers that I never imagined. I also have a friend that wants to set me up with a real website. That would be cool. But one of the offers I received was to make a cake for the Chamber Banquet tomorrow night. Wowsers. Big time. So what am I doing here? Good question. For one thing, I'm supposed to be making business cards. Have to get on that. I'm just so excited I can't see straight, let alone focus. The bow for the top is drying right now and I thought I needed some lunch before I start the detail on the cake. So just filling you in! Have to get back to it!! Pray for me!!

1 comment:

gamergeekwife said...


WOW!!! I think that is an inspired idea. Prayers for you.
