I've been telling the kids for weeks what I wanted for Mother's Day. Just a simple finch feeder and black thistle seed... NOT mix! I only wanted the simple finch feeder because the thistle seed is so expensive. Well, I was pretty sure they had it, but the only problem was that their dad didn't ask for their assistance!! He stopped by Walmart after work and picked up a couple movies. Now I really do love movies, but I was really looking forward to that finch feeder. So when the kids handed me the movies, I yelled, "Oh, cool!! A finch feeder!!" Well everyone was laughing at me and trying to get me to go outside and holler for Patrick, the cat. What I found was the biggest finch feeder I've ever seen! It's a bit more of a 5 star hotel with a casino! It's even pulling the pole over! He has a really good point, though. I usually go through 2 or 3 feeders a summer, and spend a lot of time repairing them. This one has metal stands, heavy duty walls and a wire hanger. I'm really excited that this one might last a couple windstorms! Patrick is just enjoying the birds it brings around. I think he's calling it the Bait Bar!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's Day
I've been telling the kids for weeks what I wanted for Mother's Day. Just a simple finch feeder and black thistle seed... NOT mix! I only wanted the simple finch feeder because the thistle seed is so expensive. Well, I was pretty sure they had it, but the only problem was that their dad didn't ask for their assistance!! He stopped by Walmart after work and picked up a couple movies. Now I really do love movies, but I was really looking forward to that finch feeder. So when the kids handed me the movies, I yelled, "Oh, cool!! A finch feeder!!" Well everyone was laughing at me and trying to get me to go outside and holler for Patrick, the cat. What I found was the biggest finch feeder I've ever seen! It's a bit more of a 5 star hotel with a casino! It's even pulling the pole over! He has a really good point, though. I usually go through 2 or 3 feeders a summer, and spend a lot of time repairing them. This one has metal stands, heavy duty walls and a wire hanger. I'm really excited that this one might last a couple windstorms! Patrick is just enjoying the birds it brings around. I think he's calling it the Bait Bar!
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YEAH!!! I am enjoying watching the birds in our yard. I am not as educated as you. I hardly now one bird from another besides what type of food to purchase, but I enjoy watching them. Our Grandma Rose would go on and on about birds in her yard and get so excited when Frank's parents would buy her bird feed. I would think, well she's old and that makes her happy. NOW I get it! We've never had a yard before so I was clueless!
I terribly happy you got a wonderful gift, you deserve it. Now, what movies did you get? I'm snoopy (I love movies too-In fact I got a Doris Day triple pack for Mother's Day).
Well, one was Dances with Wolves on DVD. The other was the two movie Silence of the Lambs set. He gave me the Die Hard Trilogy for Valentine's day if you need to see the pattern here!!
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