Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Have to hurry

Really wanted to post last night's cake. It is so sharp. All red and black (plus some green leaves). It's for a restaurant's first anniversary.

But anyway, Michael's rounding up troops to head out to the blue house to unload all we got from Home Depot last night. We have a lot of cabinets to put together for Randy to install! And I already have a lot of dings and such to fix up with some spackle, too! All part of the job, I hear!

Busy day... have to play later, but had to get this cake up!


gamergeekwife said...

Oh the cake is gorgeous! Thanks for posting it. Okay.. Jewel is waiting to use the computer-not very patiently I might add.
Smiles to ya!

Unknown said...

Sounds like you never get a 'puter turn at your house! Tell Frank to get you a flash drive so you can take your pictures to work to post them!