Thursday, December 21, 2006

No Sleep...

Well, it's 2 am and I'm still awake. Went to bed around 10 and woke up at midnight, and been awake ever since. I got up at 12:30 and did my normal list-making that usually eases my mind, but that didn't work. Just laid there for an hour. Poked around on the internet a bit but all the remedies there involve reading or listening to a good book. I guess I'd rather write one! I think the reason my list-making isn't working is because all my lists involve things other people must do for me. The tile is all laid and grouted, the carpet is all down, but now I need a working kitchen and bathroom, and there's nothing I can do about it. I'm no carpenter, I'm no plumber... I don't even seem to be a good organizer of these events because I never know what needs to be done next. So here I am. Awake and powerless. And yet so close to a home that I can really feel it. Speaking of feeling it, our eviction notice came today. We're moving next week, so I'm hoping things are ready!! No, Mom's just making plans for Troy's to be here New Year's weekend and it just all looks so possible that we're counting on a move next week. Things won't be done, but if we wait around for everything to get done, I'm not sure when we'd move. I've been so thankful for this party that really has everyone finally taking me seriously!! Plan the party, build the house. That's my way, I guess!! I'm just still a bit nervous about my garage sale toidy. What if it doesn't work? What if it works until half-way through the party? Ok, now you're seeing why I'm up. I do have to beat everyone over there tomorrow (today), though. Randy didn't want the carpet down yet, so I have to cover it well before he starts. And the plumber doesn't have a key, and he's really an early bird!! I normally like that, except that I know as soon as I do get some sleep, I'm not going to like morning! And then there's this job that really gets in my way. I'm scheduled in at the bakery tomorrow. I don't have time for that! On top of all that, the three of us girls came down with something this weekend and mine's still hanging on. Could be all that Sudafed keeping me up... oh, well, at least I can breathe for a while. Time to go try again... nighty night!

1 comment:

gamergeekwife said...

Honey, as i was reading your blog I thought-wow I could have written this. I've had terrible insomnia, my friend's mom died (her mom had M.S. so she'd just turned 60 years old-my friend is also my aunt by marriage she's married to my dad's youngest brother who is my age-big weird families!), then Cannon got sick, then Frank got demoted at work, and then I got a sinus infection all on top of Christmas and a thing we have going on with our mobile home. I slept last night-but I could use more. I think the nights of not sleeping may have caused me to get sick-my immune system was down.
DON'T GIVE UP you are so CLOSE!!!!!