These were actually taken on Tuesday, but in my normal running-all-the-time mode, I'm just now getting to the posting part! We might actually have some walls by now! They finished the footings that day and said they needed to cure for a day or two, then they would need to haul all the bricks down by hand. I was going to gather up some neighborhood boys and see if they needed help with that, but I ended up taking a trip to the Apple Store instead. That is always helpful! Computer seems to be okay, but might reinstall the operating system when I get done here. Anyway... think I might see how early the neighborhood boys get up and if we can be of any help. I know we need to be cutting off some nails so they can replace the seal plate, but have no idea how one would go about doing that. But I just might learn!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Pouring footings!
These were actually taken on Tuesday, but in my normal running-all-the-time mode, I'm just now getting to the posting part! We might actually have some walls by now! They finished the footings that day and said they needed to cure for a day or two, then they would need to haul all the bricks down by hand. I was going to gather up some neighborhood boys and see if they needed help with that, but I ended up taking a trip to the Apple Store instead. That is always helpful! Computer seems to be okay, but might reinstall the operating system when I get done here. Anyway... think I might see how early the neighborhood boys get up and if we can be of any help. I know we need to be cutting off some nails so they can replace the seal plate, but have no idea how one would go about doing that. But I just might learn!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
More changes...
Things always change as we get into a project! It's now looking like poured walls won't work as well for us because it would be too tricky to get the forms under the garage or something. Anyway, we'll have more usable space if they build it with blocks. This also takes out a whole construction crew and just leaves the one we already have to do all the concrete work. I hate to cut anyone out of a job, but he says he has enough to do that he doesn't need to fight for the jobs that are easier by another method! It also doesn't sound to me like it will go any faster or slower this way, so it's just a different way through. I am excited that it won't cause delays. They can still get started on this by Thursday, which was probably the earliest they'd be pouring, anyway.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
More blocks!

Anyway, we're still moving forward and just trying to deal with FEMA/SBA paperwork at the same time. It's been a way of life lately. They are now requesting their SIXTH copy of an 8821. Go figure. Good thing I just keep faxing everything. That way, I still have copies to fax them again after they can't find their last copy. Nobody ever tells me the same thing twice, either. If you don't want to file Economic Disaster on the business, you don't need to file the business papers. Unless you own 20% or more of a business. Then you need to file those forms, too.

Well, I suppose I should get back to it. They sure don't send themselves in!
Monday, December 12, 2011
Only the Government...
Been getting some calls from the SBA today. This is the "loan branch" of FEMA. We've been denied for a rebuilding loan due to the debt to income ratio (we just built 4 years ago), but they will be able to offer us a business loan once we get the house fixed and get back in. So, if we can come up with the money to fix our house and get back in, and if we can get a new stream of income, we can have a loan to fix our house. Wow... you don't think ... sorry, forgot this was the government. Makes me want to get a paper route just to say, "Okay, we have a new income stream!!"
Anyway, very thankful that God's got our back. Friends from church and work have sent us quite a bit of help, as well as a church in Harlan adopting us! FEMA did send us about $16,000, and friends have sent about $10,000, so we have had enough to get out some deposits to get work started. God is good and will not let us down. I know he has something to teach us here, but it's not always easy to see. It's usually in the quiet that I can hear Him speak, and He is Good. All the time.
Anyway, very thankful that God's got our back. Friends from church and work have sent us quite a bit of help, as well as a church in Harlan adopting us! FEMA did send us about $16,000, and friends have sent about $10,000, so we have had enough to get out some deposits to get work started. God is good and will not let us down. I know he has something to teach us here, but it's not always easy to see. It's usually in the quiet that I can hear Him speak, and He is Good. All the time.
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
And waiting...

We heard from Steve today. He's doing the digging and laying the block. Apparently, the rain made a less-than-desirable puddle under the house! Since the weather is going to be cold for a couple days, he's going to let that freeze and then scoop it up in chunks. By the time he gets the basement dug, it looks like things could be warm enough to lay block. Yes, indeed, Morgan didn't have it right about being able to lay block at 5°. Steve says you do have to have double digits to lay block! Now just praying that the delay is only a couple days!

Monday, December 05, 2011
Getting things moving!

I'm really just hoping that things keep progressing through cold weather. I don't know what can or can't be done and what conditions stop processes, I only know that I really want my house back. After living out of boxes for 5 months, I'm ready to go home!! Our cats have dispersed in unknown directions and one of our dogs didn't make it. This has been a really hard summer and fall on all of us.
Anyway... The next things we're waiting for are the digging out under the bedrooms and laying the blocks for the higher foundation. We'll be adding 3 courses of blocks (that's 3 rows in common language!) under the kitchen/dining room and living room. The new basement under the bedrooms will be poured concrete. Morgan is saying that he heard them say that it only needs to be above 5° to lay block. The temp in the car says 37°, but I don't see anyone laying block!!! Yes, a little impatient, but you have to believe that you would be, too!
I also wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to all those who are making this happen. We have had donations coming in from people and places you would never imagine. We have a really big God and He is GOOD!! ...ALL THE TIME!! From the friends and strangers who helped us evacuate, to those offering us housing for ourselves, our stuff and our pets, to those who helped tear out and clean up and to those who are helping us rebuild: We just don't have the words to properly thank you! Thank you for the time, the effort, the prayers and the words of encouragement... Thank you for keeping us going! We've also had builders helping as much as possible. Getting started with a deposit that barely even covers materials, knowing that we can only hope that the money will come in. They've all been great!
I've had a really hard time wanting to keep this blog going this summer. I've been so disappointed, so angry and so lost; all while trying to stay strong for my family. I just haven't usually been very optimistic and I don't like how most of my comments sound. I've been doing better just not saying anything at all!! I know that people are now anxious to hear how things are moving along and how they can help. It's all waiting right now and that's the hardest part for me! I know that's pretty normal, but that doesn't make it any easier!! Since digging, pouring concrete and laying blocks aren't my specialties, I just have to wait until it's my turn to help. I seriously can't believe the mess in the house! Sawing through the concrete floor created a blanket of dust unlike anything I can describe. It must not have anything to do with gravity, because it's everywhere!
Ok, want to get this posted for the day and then maybe I can start getting some of my thoughts together in an organized fashion to update it frequently. We only have a few more days to beg FEMA for more money, so I need to fill out more forms and appeals. They haven't been easy to work with and they don't understand that my copies of everything they want are in storage and may not be seen until we move back in! I don't know what's so hard about them coming up with government copies of what they want. It's all there and there doesn't seem to be any privacy where the government is concerned!!
Oh, well... onward...
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
A Christmas Wish

Since I just don't do email forwards, I had to share this with you because it's such a smart idea.
Think about it!!
Christmas 2011 -- Birth of a New Tradition
As the holidays approach, the giant Asian factories are kicking into high gear to provide Americans with monstrous piles of cheaply produced goods -- merchandise that has been produced at the expense of American labor.
This year will be different. This year Americans will give the gift of genuine concern for other Americans. There is no longer an excuse that, at gift giving time, nothing can be found that is produced by American hands. Oh.... Yes there is! It is time to think outside the box, people. Who says a gift needs to fit in a shirt box, wrapped in Chinese produced wrapping paper?
Everyone -- yes EVERYONE gets their hair cut. How about gift certificates from your local American hair salon or barber?
Gym membership? It's appropriate for all ages who are thinking about some health improvement.
Who wouldn't appreciate getting their car detailed? Small, American owned detail shops and car washes would love to sell you a gift certificate or a book of gift certificates.
Are you one of those extravagant givers who think nothing of plunking down the Benjamins on a Chinese-made flat-screen TV? Perhaps that grateful gift receiver would like his driveway sealed, or lawn mowed for the summer, or driveway plowed all winter, or games at the local golf course.
There are a gazillion owner-run restaurants -- all offering gift certificates. And, if your intended isn't the fancy eatery sort, what about a half dozen breakfasts at the local breakfast joint?
Remember, folks this isn't about big National chains -- this is about supporting your home town Americans with their financial lives on the line to keep their doors open.
How many people couldn't use an oil change for their car, truck or motorcycle, done at a shop run by the American working guy?
Thinking about a heartfelt gift for mom? Mom would LOVE the services of a local cleaning lady for a day.
My computer could use a tune-up, and I KNOW I can find some young guy who is struggling to get his repair business up and running.
OK, you were looking for something more personal. Local crafts people spin their own wool and knit them into scarves. They make jewelry, and pottery and beautiful wooden boxes.
Plan your holiday outings at local, owner operated restaurants and leave your server a nice tip.
And, how about going out to see a play or ballet at your hometown theatre? Musicians need love too, so find a venue showcasing local bands.
Honestly people, do you REALLY need to buy another ten thousand Chinese lights for the house? When you buy a five dollar string of lights, about fifty cents stays in the community.
If you have those kinds of bucks to burn, leave the mailman, trash guy or babysitter a nice BIG tip.
You see, Christmas is no longer about draining American pockets so that China can build another glittering city. Christmas is now about caring about US (We the People), encouraging American small businesses to keep plugging away to follow their dreams. And, when we care about other Americans, we care about our communities, and the benefits come back to us in ways we could not imagine.
THIS is the new American Christmas tradition!!
Forward this to everyone on your mailing list -- post it to discussion groups.
-- throw up a post on Craig's List in the Rants and Raves section in your city.
-- send it to the editor of your local paper and radio stations, and TV news departments.
This is a revolution of caring about each other, and isn't that what Christmas is about?
Friday, October 14, 2011
Trying to Cope
I've pretty much been avoiding this all summer. My attitude seems to be less-than-perfect, and, whether I have a right to be snarky or not, I tend to tire of hearing myself in that constant state.
We have lost so much this summer, and sometimes it's hard enough just to face another day. What's really hard is to be feeling so helpless in all of it. Insurance doesn't want to pay, FEMA doesn't want to pay... the mortgage company doesn't want to have anything to do with helping us out. It's all just a mess.
What's been amazing is the outpouring from my friends and even strangers. The Presbyterian Church has been having suppers for us every Thursday night, all summer. They have also been gathering food pantry donations as well as cleaning supplies. They sent us with a cleaning bucket that had the most amazing note in it. I left it in the car, which is just as well. I just totally fall apart every time I read it.
Someone from the Methodist Disaster Service has also been over to talk shop. She said to keep pushing the insurance through and keep asking about programs for our mortgage. Then the insurance people seem to wonder what I mean by pushing it through again. Apparently, they are used to people taking that news better than I did. The mortgage company says there's nothing they can do because our home is uninhabitable. They could have helped us before. There are programs for that. For what? For the government redecorating my bedroom with their river? Or by being surprised that the "La Nina" system that brought a 100-year snowfall would also bring a 100-year spring rain?
Ok, this is why I don't blog. Snarky.
So, my day today:
7:22am: Leave for band in Sidney
8:44am: Arrive in Sidney, 11 min late
9:20am: Pick up Mallory and rush to house to meet drywallers
9:30am: Too late, drywallers about done. Discuss a few things. More bad news tomorrow.
10:30am: Take Morgan to Sidney for Saxophone lesson
10:45am: Grandma's taking Matthew to band, so Mallory and I go feed random abandoned kitties.
11:45am: Pick up boys from band and head HOME (Percival) for some lunch.
1:15pm: Meet with house-jacker. Ok, sounds strange... we're hoping to jack the house up about 2 feet not only to fix it, but also to be out of harm's way in the future. Also have to decide if we just jack it up 2 feet or if we dig a new basement and possibly add some much needed office space to our house. Many decisions. All very costly. Not looking forward to all of those quotes.
2:30pm: On the road back to the NE City house.
3:45pm: Back in NE City. Unload the car, re-pack for the boys' campout.
4:20pm: To the troop trailer to figure out what they might need from it since no one has a truck that can pull said trailer. Hope they got it all!
5:30pm: Off to check on my neighbor. Where time stands still. Until I remember that I left his bananas on my counter. Food Pride is closer. Off to buy bananas.
7:30pm: Finally home. Time didn't actually stand still after all.
Wow... actually only a 12 hour day for a change... why do I feel like I've been hit by a truck?
We have lost so much this summer, and sometimes it's hard enough just to face another day. What's really hard is to be feeling so helpless in all of it. Insurance doesn't want to pay, FEMA doesn't want to pay... the mortgage company doesn't want to have anything to do with helping us out. It's all just a mess.
What's been amazing is the outpouring from my friends and even strangers. The Presbyterian Church has been having suppers for us every Thursday night, all summer. They have also been gathering food pantry donations as well as cleaning supplies. They sent us with a cleaning bucket that had the most amazing note in it. I left it in the car, which is just as well. I just totally fall apart every time I read it.
Someone from the Methodist Disaster Service has also been over to talk shop. She said to keep pushing the insurance through and keep asking about programs for our mortgage. Then the insurance people seem to wonder what I mean by pushing it through again. Apparently, they are used to people taking that news better than I did. The mortgage company says there's nothing they can do because our home is uninhabitable. They could have helped us before. There are programs for that. For what? For the government redecorating my bedroom with their river? Or by being surprised that the "La Nina" system that brought a 100-year snowfall would also bring a 100-year spring rain?
Ok, this is why I don't blog. Snarky.
So, my day today:
7:22am: Leave for band in Sidney
8:44am: Arrive in Sidney, 11 min late
9:20am: Pick up Mallory and rush to house to meet drywallers
9:30am: Too late, drywallers about done. Discuss a few things. More bad news tomorrow.
10:30am: Take Morgan to Sidney for Saxophone lesson
10:45am: Grandma's taking Matthew to band, so Mallory and I go feed random abandoned kitties.
11:45am: Pick up boys from band and head HOME (Percival) for some lunch.
1:15pm: Meet with house-jacker. Ok, sounds strange... we're hoping to jack the house up about 2 feet not only to fix it, but also to be out of harm's way in the future. Also have to decide if we just jack it up 2 feet or if we dig a new basement and possibly add some much needed office space to our house. Many decisions. All very costly. Not looking forward to all of those quotes.
2:30pm: On the road back to the NE City house.
3:45pm: Back in NE City. Unload the car, re-pack for the boys' campout.
4:20pm: To the troop trailer to figure out what they might need from it since no one has a truck that can pull said trailer. Hope they got it all!
5:30pm: Off to check on my neighbor. Where time stands still. Until I remember that I left his bananas on my counter. Food Pride is closer. Off to buy bananas.
7:30pm: Finally home. Time didn't actually stand still after all.
Wow... actually only a 12 hour day for a change... why do I feel like I've been hit by a truck?
Thursday, August 04, 2011
Happy Birthday, Mogi!!
Well, I'm not happy about being separated from my little guy on his birthday, but I'm thrilled with the fun he's having with his grandparents. Sounds like they did some serious fishing today, then some serious fish-frying tonight! He called me a couple times today, and he didn't sound happy to be away from me, either, but he is having a really great time!
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
I was wrong... It could be worse.
Just got word today that my baby didn't make the move. Bonnie and Clyde went to live with some friends during the big evacuation and we all thought they seemed to be doing very well. I'd been over to check on them a few times, but somehow today proved too much for Clyde. For no apparent reason, my friend returned home to find him no longer alive. It was a very long, hard, sad day for all of us, but I'm sure my friend is feeling it, too.
This was my first real dog. Not my brother's or my husband's or my childrens. He was mine. My baby. And he knew it. He had a certain affection for skunks, which I did not understand and I let him know that. But he was the most fun and most loving dog I could ever imagine. He loved being on my lap while I was doing any gardening and loved circling the property with me. He really loved doing anything with me. Morgan had planned to take him to the Fair this year, but we don't even know if Fair will be in our list of opportunities this summer. Our whole lives are just upside down right now. And sad. Very sad.
Good bye, Clyde. We will all miss you so much!!
This was my first real dog. Not my brother's or my husband's or my childrens. He was mine. My baby. And he knew it. He had a certain affection for skunks, which I did not understand and I let him know that. But he was the most fun and most loving dog I could ever imagine. He loved being on my lap while I was doing any gardening and loved circling the property with me. He really loved doing anything with me. Morgan had planned to take him to the Fair this year, but we don't even know if Fair will be in our list of opportunities this summer. Our whole lives are just upside down right now. And sad. Very sad.
Good bye, Clyde. We will all miss you so much!!
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Time for change
Well, it's pretty hard to believe, but we're being told to expect a flood like no other. I'm hearing things from a 100 year flood to a 1000 year flood. Apparently, it took the Corps of Engineers to actually make it this devastating. Spring floods are a way of life around here; we're used to that. But they way things have been handled in this whole catastrophe is just plain wrong.
But I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therein to be content.
And so thankful I am. All of my family, pets and belongings are safely on higher ground. Friends have been helping in more ways than I ever could have imagined. Hundreds of people have been to our small towns helping to pack up entire lives and get us moved to safety. My church friends have offered homes for me and my family, along with other friends offering to house my pets. Small town neighbors are now scattered abroad.
It is depressing, but my God is Good. All the time. I'm working through a lot of emotions, but I have to remember. God is Good. All the time.
But I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therein to be content.
And so thankful I am. All of my family, pets and belongings are safely on higher ground. Friends have been helping in more ways than I ever could have imagined. Hundreds of people have been to our small towns helping to pack up entire lives and get us moved to safety. My church friends have offered homes for me and my family, along with other friends offering to house my pets. Small town neighbors are now scattered abroad.
It is depressing, but my God is Good. All the time. I'm working through a lot of emotions, but I have to remember. God is Good. All the time.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Cleaning up!!
We've been working hard on the property these last few days. We're still feeling less than well, but life goes on!! Mallory really was hit the hardest and the last, so she's been in the house answering the phone, taking messages and making sandwiches. But the rest of us have been burning off ditches, hauling brush, clearing trails and cleaning up. This is stuff I've wanted to do since we moved in 4 years ago!!
It's been fun doing all this with Matthew. Grandpa came over, too. Coupla pyros!! Matthew actually found a propane torch in the middle of the road one day. Grandpa keeps him supplied with the propane tanks... they are a pair!!
Anyway, Matthew and I started with the area around the incinerator, then some of the dry grass on the hill, then in the back where I've seen some asparagus come up in the past. We've been picking little spots carefully, picking low-wind days and burning against the breeze. Then we get a little braver and go a little farther... It was the spot by the asparagus that we decided to call it good, so we burned a nice patch there to make sure the fire would stop there. Then we went to the other end and lit the big one!! The day was a little too still, though, and we had a hard time keeping it going! Matthew had his torch and kept starting more where it skipped.
It's been fun doing all this with Matthew. Grandpa came over, too. Coupla pyros!! Matthew actually found a propane torch in the middle of the road one day. Grandpa keeps him supplied with the propane tanks... they are a pair!!
Anyway, Matthew and I started with the area around the incinerator, then some of the dry grass on the hill, then in the back where I've seen some asparagus come up in the past. We've been picking little spots carefully, picking low-wind days and burning against the breeze. Then we get a little braver and go a little farther... It was the spot by the asparagus that we decided to call it good, so we burned a nice patch there to make sure the fire would stop there. Then we went to the other end and lit the big one!! The day was a little too still, though, and we had a hard time keeping it going! Matthew had his torch and kept starting more where it skipped.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Second verse, same as the first...

Happy Birthday Mallory!!
We are so tired of being sick!! This is Mallory's 14th birthday, for crying out loud!! Well, at least she got her favorite thing... a day alone in her room with her iPad!! So it wasn't a total loss! She had a great time with friends last weekend and we will have family down next weekend, so hopefully she'll have a better time then.
Right now, we're just praying for healing for my grandpa. He was just taken to the hospital with problems walking. He's 86 and usually has his potatoes in by now, so his new limitations are making a big impact. I was hassling him about his potatoes yesterday and he responded with, "These days, I like projects you can start and finish in one day." Amen, but I never thought I'd hear him say that. I just want him home safe, garden or not. Please pray for his recovery. We need a little more time with him.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Not a total loss
So I put together the casserole that I was going to send... the “Upside-Down Pizza” that Reva taught me... and ran through the shower. When I got out, I didn't like it any better (yes, sometimes it changes things!), so I scraped off the top and gave her some 5 second flowers. Yes, she deserves better, but we had to move!!
Sure hope she had a good time. I sure missed having the girls here.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Last one
So last week, after 7 hours and 5 stops, I finally got my iPhone!! I only had it home a few hours when Michael started telling me to go get him one. We'll skip the part about how unfair it was that I wanted one for years and he's only wanted one for a few hours... Anyhoo... today I was headed back to get one for him and I was starting out by making my plan at home. Somewhat out loud, I asked where that store was... 168th and Dodge? "No," says Morgan, "it was Center." Good grief. I'm never going to learn Omaha. I should really stay home!!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Happy Birthday Matthew!!

As usual, the poor guy is sick on his birthday! But it's a great spring day, and he's out there searching the ditch for all his lost stuff that was buried with the first snow.
I didn't want to post a "birthday picture" of him, because he looks about as bad as he feels, so this is his school photo from the fall. He looks about the same, but a little scruffier today!
Happy Birthday, Matthew! Hope you're having a good time!!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Better days
So, you know all the snow days the school takes off? Well, we tend to (I'd like to say, "We LIKE to," but we merely TEND to) double up on those days and take days like yesterday and today off. We've been cleaning out the garage, walking around the yard with all the pets, burning trash, finding bikes and basketballs... all those things that pile up in the winter and get difficult to find or do. We also had a nice get-together yesterday with our homeschool group for Valentine's Day. I really like our annual Valentine's Day party. It brings some actual fun to "Mandatory Nice Day."
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Paul & Silas
So those of you with kids in AWANA will recognize the Diorama Project... Morgan chose the Paul and Silas one and I guess we all kinda got in on it and had a little fun! Matthew thought they needed a big, comfy couch. We were also pretty sure that they wore yellow ballcaps and had a pink pet rat. Morgan said he supposed they probably shouldn't put the sword so close to the prisoners, but you can probably trust Paul & Silas!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Another bad day
Why do the really, really bad days have to be capped off with a cake order and a tight deadline? About a year ago, my neighbor lady fell and was taken to the hospital, but still passed away. It was about 3am and I had to go home and get a couple hours of sleep before finishing and setting up a wedding cake. Not fun. Today I had to take her husband's dog to the vet, then come home and get a cake done before running the cake over to town and bringing the dog home. Only thing is, it was really bad and they had to put her down. Now I'm in no mood to do a cake, although I know it must be done. I have done it before. You just do it. Press on. No time to stop and cry like I'd really like to be doing. I guess we're not even bringing her back to the farm to bury her. I really don't know what to do about that. I really needed that grave. I don't even have a picture of her.
I'm really sorry if anyone is actually reading this. I know I'm usually rather chipper and wordy with my posts. This one just isn't. It's not how I feel and I had to do something with it. Just not my day. The kids are out hanging a bird feeder to try to cheer me up. I know it's really hard on them, too. This dog used to come over with the neighbor's son when we were building this house. (The super sad part about that is that today would have been his 57th birthday.) I had always wanted a St. Bernard, and his dad had one, so he brought her over a lot. Then I started checking in on his folks there at the farm and eventually started taking care of her, too. Matthew and I would take her on pickup rides when she was bored. Even got her a new pink collar.
Sometime last month, one of her hip joints went out and she started carrying a back leg. Then just a couple days ago, she must have fallen and broken her back leg that she was carrying. There's just very little that can be done for a dog that size with bad hips. I don't think the choice was wrong at all. I know she was in a lot of pain. I just wasn't done with her. All about me, ya know.
Anyway, good bye Polly. I really love you.
I'm really sorry if anyone is actually reading this. I know I'm usually rather chipper and wordy with my posts. This one just isn't. It's not how I feel and I had to do something with it. Just not my day. The kids are out hanging a bird feeder to try to cheer me up. I know it's really hard on them, too. This dog used to come over with the neighbor's son when we were building this house. (The super sad part about that is that today would have been his 57th birthday.) I had always wanted a St. Bernard, and his dad had one, so he brought her over a lot. Then I started checking in on his folks there at the farm and eventually started taking care of her, too. Matthew and I would take her on pickup rides when she was bored. Even got her a new pink collar.
Sometime last month, one of her hip joints went out and she started carrying a back leg. Then just a couple days ago, she must have fallen and broken her back leg that she was carrying. There's just very little that can be done for a dog that size with bad hips. I don't think the choice was wrong at all. I know she was in a lot of pain. I just wasn't done with her. All about me, ya know.
Anyway, good bye Polly. I really love you.
Saturday, January 08, 2011
Pretty is as Pretty Does
Daddy's little girl... or at least her cat!
Looks innocent, doesn't she? This might be the orneriest cat I know, and yet she remains on the throne around here. Why? Because Daddy likes her. She's supposed to be Mallory's cat, but Mallory knows that's a deal gone bad. He is such a sucker for a pretty girl! =) Talk about girls trying to get by on good looks...
She really is funny, though. She hardly has a voice at all, so she looks up at you and does this little chirp. She also has a fondness of hiding under things and grabbing your shoes (or socks) as you go by. Or hiding in wait under the dishwasher door when it's open. Thus the name Chirpy Twerpy.
She has so much hair that she looks like she's walking around in her baggie jammies. I think Michael sees more of a flowing bridal gown or something. She can just do no wrong in his eyes. Even though we constantly find her sleeping on the dining room table and knocking folded clothes off the laundry table. No one else gets away with that!
Oh, well. I guess until I lose my status with him, I'll just let sleeping cats lie...
Monday, January 03, 2011
Happy New Year!
I never make resolutions, mainly because I don't like to focus on what I seem to fail most miserably at doing in the first place. I would like, however, to focus on those things which make my life more meaningful. I don't know that I ever wrote anything meaningful in my blogs, but I do know that I found a lot of joy in the moments, thinking to myself that I would go home and blog about this. We shall see. If this one post is all that ever happens this year, well at least I didn't do any worse than last year!
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