Sunday, December 30, 2007

Birthday Bash

Well, we did a little catering for our friends in Shen last night. It's been interesting juggling this into our week. You can only prepare food so far ahead! We were having a Christmas dinner here on Thursday for my brother who was up from Missouri, but with some pending Friday weather, Michael had to do his shopping that night. He was here for a few minutes between work and grocery shopping, so it is a little strange that the family pictures will show his presence even though it was momentary. Since he prepared for this pending storm, it decided not to show, but he was still pleased that he had all the food so he could be busy on it Friday while I was at work. It was pretty late when I got home and found out Matthew hadn't fed the outside cat, so I sent him out to do so immediately (yes, with stories of old where my barn was several yards away, with coyotes howling and my dad never gave me a flashlight...). He spent quite a while in the mud room arguing his point that he could be eaten alive and we had various arguments involving yardsticks and door locks. The next day, we found that one of his arguments involved smashing down several of Michael's tiny twice-baked potatoes with his finger. We could only smile. He tried to look like he didn't know what we were talking about, but he was too proud of himself. Michael rebagged his potatoes and gave them some more topper dots. At the party, Michael figured out that he had not grabbed his Gorgonzola potatoes (not sure... some kind of bleu cheese stuff that invokes the gag reflex), but rather Grandma Rose's really fantastic buttery mashed potatoes that she brought for Troy's party on Thursday. He figured it out because the first bite was really surprisingly good, before you got to the really nasty bleu cheese stuff. Oh, well. Kudos to Grandma Rose who makes the best mashed potatoes in the world. I suppose, unless you like bleu cheese...

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy Birthday Jesus

Thought I'd come back long enough to say Merry Christmas to my friends and hope you all have had extra special family time. These last few days have been really great for our family, spending so much time together. Have lots to say, but just never enough time to say it! Will try to get back here tomorrow, but if not, have a very merry Christmas and remember that we can have Christmas every day if we just remember what it really is!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Scary events...

I guess everyone always said they never thought something like this would happen in our town, but it did. Our families around the country have been calling to check on us and as far as I know, we and all of our family are safe. Our friends who are expecting in late February were corralled into a store without knowing what was going on and got out safely, but by the time they got to the car they decided to get to a hospital. It was decided that she wasn't actually in real labor, but they wanted to get it to stop, whatever it was! We also found out this morning that a friend lost her cousin, so our prayers go out to Pam and her family. Wow, one more day and he could have been snowed in. It's impossible to understand this stuff, but easier to cope when you trust that God is in control. He sure didn't want this to happen, but He's there for those who turn to Him.

Matthew had a pretty bad crash on his snowboard this morning. We didn't realize how bad it was until he settled down this evening and the pain set in! It's swollen really bad and it sounds like he's in quite a bit of pain! Looks a lot like my knee when I hurt it in college. Not quite as bad and hopefully he's young enough to recover better than I did!! Knowing him, he'll be back on that same hill tomorrow. Lessons aren't the same to all.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

First Thanksgiving

Well, yes, it was Thursday here too, but I haven't really stopped since then. We ended up with only eight people coming to dinner, which was perfect because that's all the china I have! I got out all the fun stuff and Mallory and I set a really nice table. Matthew was overly concerned about the B & B plates. I guess he thought that if the music stopped and that's what he was holding... anyhoo. Michael's boss and her husband came over, though her daughter and her husband didn't make it down from South Dakota. Another reason I'm glad Michael invited them. They are here temporarily and should be going back in January. Michael didn't even think of them until we found out we couldn't go to Grandpa's. Then he decided we'd better figure out something. Only a day or two later, Aunt Betty found herself in a pickle of her own. I guess when you keep going south for Thanksgiving, it can be hard to get your name in any of the pots up here when you stay! Well, we had plenty of room and hadn't done the shopping yet, so we could always add more food.

Michael's boss, Marlys, brought a game with her that the kids absolutely loved. A lot like Aggravation and Sorry put together. After they left, Aunt Betty helped me clean up and then we played around with a Christmas swag. She needed me to "tie a bow." I love that because I think she knows that if she brings all the stuff, I won't stop at the bow! We had so much fun.

After everyone left, I had to start my groom's cake. The groom's step-mom is the one I've been working with on this and she has come over a couple times to discuss it... I don't know why, maybe the coffee's good, but we have a good time. I'm pretty sad it's over! I've enjoyed her so much! Anyway, I'll post the rocket to my cake blog soon, but it was a chocolate rocket with chocolate frosting and a payload! I cut a hole in the front and added a pilot, then put a little acrylic cover over him. So fun.

I've spent the last couple days at work and now I need to spend some time here! My friends were warning me about my laundry chute backing all the way up and I'm afraid that might happen! The kids and I needed one more day in the basement, though, so this will keep us there. We have a drum corner cleared for Matthew, now we need to make my cropping center. You might not think the kids would want to help with that, but right now they have about five boxes marked "toys" where I want my cropping center, so they are pretty anxious to get that cleared out!

Well, I better hit the shower. I've missed church twice in a row now and I'm not missing today. Nobody threw up in the night, so if anyone has to stay home I hope Michael can handle it!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

First Snow

This is probably going to show up as a Thursday post instead of Wednesday, because it is a bit after midnight, but I had to post our first snow. It didn't really snow all that much, maybe an inch, but it snowed nearly all day, and we had that excitement around the house that makes winter just almost tolerable. Morgan wanted to go out about every half hour, just coming in long enough to warm up. You notice his problem might be in the number of layers, but you try to tell him that. Trust me, this is easier. Besides, he hates it when his clothes get wet, so this makes for fewer wet clothes. Kinda scary when I understand his thinking. Anyway, tomorrow's Thanksgiving and I'm sure there will be something for me to do, so I'd best get to bed now.

We also got a corner cleared out in the basement for Matthew's drum set. I still have time to prepare myself for this. I really want it for him, but I know how quickly I go from excited to over the edge. Pray for me. Please.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Home again

Morgan and I spent last Sunday home together, and it's happening again today. This time, it's me, too! Started feeling pretty lousy at work last night when Michael and the kids stopped by. Matthew stayed with me to help clean up, then we went home to Michael having supper ready. He's way too good for me. I got up this morning thinking I'd just press on, but heard Morgan with a croupy cough again. No problem, I'm really not fit for the public anyway. So here we are. Thought maybe we could watch the Heroes series Michael got me for our anniversary (I got him new batteries for his drill, so I win both prizes!!), but since they rented Batman and Scooby-Doo last night, that seems to have won out. I tried my best to talk him out of it, but as Batman says, "A caped crusader always gives top priority to a boy and his dog." Guess I should just be thankful that the dogs stay outside. Guess I also forgot what fun adjectives Batman and Robin use. Right now, I'm just trying to figure out if Robin's voice is Casey Kasem or Shaggy. Weird. Oh, well. I guess this is interesting enough. If not, maybe I'll fall asleep. Probably better than tying you up with my ramblings.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Talk about busy...

Well, if you've never seen it before, you have to check out my cake blog this morning. (There is a link on the side over to the right.) I had nine cakes for the weekend, and Michael had a 4-H event he was leading up for Saturday night. I was very nervous as to how this would all play out, but never dreamed that Monday Juli would call and say that they couldn't do their prep work at the church. It all moved to our house where I already had kitchen plans!! We were both a ball of nerves over the mess, but the whole thing turned out to be one well-oiled machine! All of my cakes turned out great and the 4-H Dinner was amazing. We're such a team!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Is it over?

By the looks of this blog, you'd think that October was the most boring month! So not true! We have been so busy that I just haven't had time! Finally, Monday looked like it was going to be a true "day off." One that I really didn't HAVE to do anything. Well, then that changed to a trip to the zoo! I'd been promising the kids and I heard that it was supposed to be sunny and nice, so we just decided to go. So much for enjoying the day off! Oh, well, at least we enjoyed the day! We took Grandma with us. Grandma and I were pretty shocked at the end of the day when we were trudging up the long hill to the car and the boys are still running back and forth, in circles, for no reason. Energy is so wasted on the young.

Monday, October 29, 2007


Pictures just got posted of our Maranatha retreat. This is Mallory and Jaymi's daughter, Kendall. We really had the greatest time! But anyway, that's on another post! Just thought I'd pin the photo here!

Thought I'd post a shot of my Cubbies, too. These are the leaders I had this week: Raven (so totally amazing!!!), Kristi (quite gifted and picking up all the tricks!), Dad (the REAL expert!), and my newest addition, Mallory! She's filling in while Elizabeth is at play practice. She only gets to help when she passes two sections of her own, so that has certainly spread enthusiasm in working on her AWANA verses!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My poor dad...

I got a call from my dad this morning. Mom had already gone to work and she forgot to shut down the computer before she left and storms are on the way. No problem; I'll walk you through it. Press the start button. Nope, no good. Okay, try using the mouse to press the start button. Oh, that whirlygig thing?... So lesson one begins with the mouse, the cursor and the mouse buttons. It has to be on the desk to work, no, don't point with it, move it around on the desk... on the mouse pad. See how the arrow moves? Oh, wow. Mom learned so much while I was there and is now moving right along without me. Dad? No way. Would it have killed you to watch a couple things? He wants his own email account for his super secret deacon messages, but what good is it if Mom has to print it out? Would it be so tough to learn how to retrieve your own email??

Anyhoo... since it's been so long, I should probably tell any readers I have left what we've been up to. It really hasn't been much but life in general, but with AWANA back on Wednesday nights, life in general gets a little hairy. My cake business has also picked up since we got in the house, which is good, but it forces school to be a bit more flexible yet! Fortunately, I have a reporting teacher who is very encouraging about school working in and around life. She's really fun. She has a son just like my Matthew, so she knows how challenging it can be. She came to our crop at the church on Saturday, too. Good grief!! Now I know why she understands Matthew's attention span!! I thought she'd focus more when her granddaughter went to sleep... nope! Of course, our church van blew up so the youth group descended upon us, which gave her something else to do. I lost Mallory to them, too. Oh, well. Jaymi and I were moving right along. We just returned from Maranatha Bible Camp and a weekend of cropping, so we were motivated and excited!! I finished 2004!!! Then, this weekend, I got up to Easter of 2005!! Mallory had a lot of fun at Camp. She received prizes for being the youngest cropper there, and also did her darling act and also received several "Here, dear, I'm never going to use this" items. She can't help it. She is darling! She entered two pages in the page contests, but actually figured out on her own that it really depends on how many friends you brought with you to vote for you! She really amazed me, though. I did a couple dramas out there, and it takes everything I can muster to get behind the microphone. She was working on a page which really needed a pink button, so I told her to go look around for one. There were 99 people there, for crying out loud, surely one has a pink button. Next thing I know, she's on the microphone asking if anyone has a small pink button. Wow. Not me. Not unless I have to. But we've already found that none of these kids are me. Too funny.

Okay, I still have a cake to do for this afternoon, along with school and Cubbies! Have a great one and hope to be back again in October!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

All for coming to my wedding...

Aunt Jenny got all married yesterday. She gave out some really neat prize packages to the kids. Play-doh, colors, a bendy guy... neat stuff. She also had personalized coozies and home made carmel apples at the reception. She just always thinks of the best details.

Her dress was stunning and so Jenny. She said her dad had the final say on which one. It was perfect. Her hubby is the oldest of five: the two boys and three girls. The girls were all bridesmaids and his brother was the best man. When it came time for the rings, we all wondered if the ring bearer might not have done better. He didn't actually lose them, but they were chucked far enough down in his inside coat pocket that he started getting a bit nervous, as did we!! The service really made us appreciate Pastor Norm all over again!! I do know we have the best preacher in the whole world, but sometimes you take that for granted and need reminding. We were actually wondering if this was this guy's first wedding. He didn't seem to know any of the lines and forgot who the Third Person is in a marriage. Actually had to look at his notes for that one. I'm shocked at how few notes and how few times Pastor Norm looks at any notes he does use. You can tell when it's from the Spirit. Thanks again, PN!!

And CONGRATULATIONS to my lovely Jenny!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


...and don't we all need more of that? I told Matthew no one ever sees this, but I'm not sure he was convinced. Sorry the pictures are so poor, but I was having to sneak them in. There was a time he was hanging upside down from the ledge, but not even this shutterbug was fast enough to get that one. I called Mom for the video camera, but she was busy. I was just sure this was a $10,000 or even a $100,000 moment. I made Hot Bean Casserole, and it wasn't quite as bad as I remember as a kid. Actually, it kinda grows on you. Anyway, I couldn't find any Butter Beans, which are the ones that really invoked the gag reflex in me, but I was only checking WalMart. I can look at Norman's on Thursday. They have everything, you know! Anyway, Mallory was quite the trooper and I could tell she kinda liked it, too. Morgan choked it down, but not in the allotted time to receive the cake and ice cream reward, but hey... it got down! I think Matthew's is in the fridge for breakfast. Hmmm... even I didn't think it was good enough to save for breakfast.

Monday, September 17, 2007

It was a happy birthday

One might ask if I got my birthday off work, and I might be inclined to say "YES!" I went to the bakery, which is time I really enjoy. It also makes me enjoy coming home to my family a little more!!

Another neat little early birthday gift was a win for my Cyclones! Pretty exciting to see a Cyclone win on the front page of the Omaha World Herald instead of the Huskers. I hear the Huskers didn't do so well Saturday, but more of them did show up for the last quarter. That was nice for them. The Cyclones won the big Iowa/Iowa State game, which is a big deal for us. We've never had an outstanding year that I can recall, but we always do tend to pull off a surprise or two!

I was also hoping to have a picture of Mallory's cake by now, but the one on my camera didn't turn out. Mom took hers to WalMart yesterday, so I might have something to post tomorrow.
All for now! Time for another 29th birthday to come to a close. I was informed by a friend that I may be off a few years, because she's only 29 and I'm surely ten years younger than her! I love people who understand me! There are so few...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Surprise!! Happy Birthday!!

Surprise!! Party's at your house!!
Oh, my!!
It all started simply enough. We were going to have a small party at Grandma Rose's with a cake made by Mallory. I didn't know that, but I was supposed to remember that they were taking me out for dinner. That took some plan rearranging, but nothing we couldn't handle. Then Pa Rose didn't come home from the hospital as planned, so we went there to say hi to him. We pulled up just as Aunt Mary and the kids were pulling up, and then met up with Uncle Paul and Aunt Judy in the room. Hmmmm...
Well, Michael and I went home afterwards, but Mallory had to go fetch the cake and we decided to bring it here to eat it. So she went with Grandma to get the cake, and slowly everyone started showing up here. Now normally, Grandma cleans my house before something like this, but she hadn't so this really took me by surprise. It was really all supposed to happen at Grandma Rose's, but she hadn't even been home long enough to do anything but take a shower and feed her kitties, so it landed here. Oh, well. I'm not the worst housekeeper in the world, but I'm sure in the running. At least one dining room table was available for eating. The boys were happy with the PlayStation and Elena was happy tormenting the kitties, so we had a good time!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Aunt Jenny

We had the shower for Jenny Sunday, and it was so sweet. Just 11 of us, but very special friends. We had hoped for some plans to fall through to have a couple more attend, but we did enjoy so much getting together with those who made it. Michael had even helped me with one of the games the night before. We put the first names of several famous couples and had the guests come up with the last names. It went over fairly well, but the fun part was watching Michael dive right in to help with the list. You never know what's going to interest him. Most of the time he thinks the stuff I do is either silly or downright unnecessary, but he overheard Mom and me talking about some names and he started Googling things and pretty much finished the list! Well anyway... We also guessed some kitchen utensils in hidden in socks, which he was just sure were his socks... well, in a way they were. We've been in this house nearly a year, and this whole time there has been a package of mens socks floating from room to room. Not the kind he wears, though, so they just keep searching for someone to love. Great, I'll use those for my game. Well now I don't seem to hear the end of it. I completely ruined his brand new socks (I wrote numbers on the bottoms... devastating) that he couldn't find anywhere. Been scouring the house for them. hmmmm. Yeah, anyway... Then he decided he didn't like that kind of socks, so Matthew took them. He doesn't stop long enough to notice the numbers on the bottom.
Jenny's gifts were very fun. She got some candlesticks for the wedding and many, many candles. The first gift she opened contained a pair of slippers, and she was so excited because she'd never owned slippers. It just so happened that Mallory's and my package contained slippers, too, so Mallory had to go grab ours because she just couldn't stand the anticipation. While we were in Wisconsin, we had stopped at a Walgreen's for something we needed and I saw this little Junior Mints camisol and panty set on a small display. I started laughing so hard that Michael was really afraid of what may have come over me. I told him all about Jenny's little "thing" with Junior Mints. I don't think it's strong enough to call it an addiction, but when she was little, it was always her candy of choice. There was one time that we had to have them before a movie or something, and had to stop at three different places before we finally found some. I wish I could remember more about that, because I know it couldn't have been a movie. That girl doesn't sit still that long. That was also the age when she had to sit under one of those slow blow huge dryers to dry her curly hair. But in order to get her to sit, you had to feed her AND turn up a movie really loud AND have something else to do. So anyway, I don't know where we were going that she needed those mints, but I just have a feeling I wouldn't have survived a movie with her. But that has caused me to smile and think of my Jenny every time I see a box of Junior Mints. So back to the undies... I told Michael that I just HAD to get these for her for the shower, and while we were paying for them, the clerk (who had witnessed my small hysterical outburst) thought she should mention that slippers were also available for most of these outfits. Poor Michael. All he really wanted was a birthday card for his dad, and now all this. So, now, back to the shower... she was so excited to have TWO pairs of slippers and got a real kick out of the undies. Couldn't believe I had found that! I really couldn't either, but how perfect. The whole afternoon was perfect. Couldn't have had a prettier day, and the guys even took Bonnie and Clyde to Mom's house so we didn't have to deal with them!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Nodaway Valley Christian Academy

... is now in session! I was surprised how hard the kids worked today! I think they've really missed school. Well, maybe it was just better than raking the grass their dad told them to, but anyway...

We started the day pretty lacksidazical... I was coloring my hair when Mallory decided she wanted some red streaks in her hair. Well, I didn't see a problem with that, so we girls messed around for a while and the boys were pretty mesmerized by the whole process (sorry, girls, they now know a couple of our beauty secrets). But we were working by 9:30 and they were so focused! We really had a nice start up. Then this afternoon we went to Eythan and Elisa's house for a workshop and really didn't want to leave! Just a really great time.

Well, when you go to town you have to do a bit of shopping. We made a stop at Walmart and the boys just HAD to do a bit of their own shopping. They got a little playhouse for the kitties. For all the spending they think they have to do, this was one I couldn't help. I let them and they've been downstairs all night with them. Here's hoping the kitties are impressed too!!

Blogged down

I am so far behind I don't think there's any catching up for me!! Well, that's not completely true. I got pretty well caught up with the laundry yesterday, but you know how long that will last!! Exciting life, my friend. Wouldn't trade it for the world. Wait, I have the world!! ...mine anyway...

Well, we just got back from Wisconsin, and it seems just in the nick of time. We drove through a lot of storms in WI and Minnesota, and then I hear that several people, homes and cars were simply washed away! Last time we went, they were in such a drought. The crops were all burned up and it just looked so sad. The rains were nice while we were there, but they must have gotten a lot worse on our way out.

But anyway, Nana took the kids swimming at the pool, Papa took Daddy and Matthew fishing a couple times, and then they sent us away! We've been talking about sending the kids up there for a week sometime, so Michael suggested we leave for a night and see how they all do. Nana said she wanted two days!! So we went to Oshkosh and did a little shopping and a lot of relaxing, and it sounds like everyone at home had a really wonderful time.

Saturday, Papa took us to the Experimental Aircraft Association's AirVenture Museum. We really enjoyed seeing flight come to life from Orville and Wilbur Wright's first plane to some of the experimental space crafts and other makings of history! They also had several displays explaining flight using air pressure and wing shape, displays of flight clothing including the patches and wings of pilots and a lot on WWII, where many of the innovations came from necessity. This may have been the kids' first museum of any kind, and it was a great place to start. It was geared toward kids' love of touching, making noise, and just being able to explore. We all had a really great time.

We really couldn't believe how fast our week went by, but we also couldn't wait to get home to the pets. Bonnie and Clyde wouldn't let the boys in the house, so Mallory and I went to check on Pete and Peachy. They were very well, but much bigger than when we left! It's nice to be home, but we already miss Nana and Papa.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Morgan's Birthday

Well, if anyone's looking back this far, I just discovered that I forgot to post poor Morgan's birthday photo. This is my new castle cake set up that looks really fun. Unfortunately, I got it just a day before Morgan's party so I didn't really have time to do up a really neat castle. Poor Morgan. He was going to have me try to do Percy instead of Thomas this year, but I came home with that and he changed his mind. I knew there was no way to do what we saw on the package, so I got some m & m's and just let him go with them!! It was lots of fun for all of us!! Happy Birthday Morgan!!

That darn cat

This is Pete & Peachy. After much debate, this is what we're calling them. The Siamese is Pete or Petey or Sweetie Petey or Stinky Pete... depends on the timing! The little black marble tabby is Matthew's Peachy, and this cat is all Matthew's. She even picked him! She sleeps up in his top bunk with him, watches TV with him, and even stays around his feet when he's eating or doing homework. They are truly two of a kind, too. Running, jumping, climbing, fussing, tearing up my furniture... at least I can declaw one of them. She's in for a big surprise then! She actually climbs his bunk bed. It's a wood one, so she digs right in. He did actually clear off his dresser so she could jump up there, but she prefers to climb. Just like him!!
I really like my fat, lazy Petey!

This is the life

This is why I wanted a bay window. Michael has it filled with plants, and that's fine; that's why I had it covered with formica. But this is what makes me smile. Happy cats. This is also right by my computer, so it makes for a happy blogging spot!!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Fair Week, July 20-24

Aunt Betty said I needed to post some fair results, but I don't have pictures of everything. Maybe when the kids get up. The 4-H conference judging was Wednesday the 18th. Since it was Mallory's first year, I was allowed to sit in on that. She had taken a write up on what she had done to room and the judge was very impressed by what she had planned and coordinated. She received a blue and a "Considered for State" ribbon, even though it's only honorary for first year 4-Hers. Next year, she'll be old enough to take something to State Fair. Next she had her monkey bread. This judge was very fun. Mallory interacted with her a lot. I'm guessing a lot of it was the fact that it was so fresh in her mind. Everything else was done a while back that it was hard to remember what she had done! She received a blue ribbon on that, too. Next was her garden paver. We did that fairly recently, but it started out as a kit and judges don't like kits. It was to be a mosaic from little bits of glass, but Mallory had instead used the flat marbles she had collected from weddings. They were all very special weddings to her, but she never really made it clear that the design was hers, and not part of the kit. She did tell how she had planned to make two little hearts, but there wasn't room when she transferred the design, so she just made some lines to balance out the crosses. That did impress the judge. She got a blue ribbon on that, too. Finally, there was the kitty cat wall hanging she made me for Mother's Day. The judge was very impressed with that. The only problem was that Mother's Day was so very long ago and Mallory just couldn't remember when the tabs went in. I told her when we were writing up the commentary when the tabs would have had to have gone in, but she just didn't remember it that way. Then the judge could sense her confusion and told her when they would have had to have gone in, but she couldn't convince her either. She received a blue and a "Considered for State." It was a really amazing time.

Friday was open class. Mallory entered two plaster items she had painted and got blues on both. Morgan got a blue and a red on his, and Matthew got a blue and two reds. Matthew entered a monkey bread and Morgan a banana bread, and those both got blue. Doug and Abby were here and decided to do some baking, too. Doug made a coffee cake and Abby some cookies, and they both got blues. The boys entered their garden pavers they made at Maranatha and both of those got blue. Matthew entered the pillow he made me for Mother's Day and got purple!! My wedding cake got a purple, too, but you can find out more about that on my cake blog.

We also sneaked through Pa Rose's garden to enter some things for him because he never does, but we found out why! Nothing was quite ready. We entered some dill that got blue, carrots that got red, and green beans that got a participation. Later, Michael raided his fridge and came home with some good looking stuff. Grrr.... the fridge!! That's where the good stuff is!! Oh, well. Next year!!

On Saturday, Mallory made her cherry pie for the contest. It did not go well at first, and the helpers came over to see if they could help her figure it out. They kept looking at me even though I wasn't supposed to say anything, so I didn't. Then they tried to tell her to just add some water, which I thought was a huge mistake because we had tried something of the sort that week and it didn't work well. They were still looking at me so I just told her to start over. I thought it would be much easier and less stressful in the long run, even though it can take her three hours to bake a pie. She decided to do that, and I could just see the relief. She was much more focused and less nervous and it all went incredibly smoothly. And it only took an hour and a half!

Out of the 49 pies, I thought hers looked the best! They only tell you the first and second place winners, so we won't know how she did. We only know it was beautiful. Some of our friends bought it at the auction and said it was really good, too!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Morgan at Maranatha

We really did have a wonderful week at Maranatha... even though it was camping. I tried not to do too much fussing. I had taken my pictures to crop, thinking there would be plenty of times when everyone else was outside and I could be in the air conditioning being productive. Not so much. I did get a lot done, but one whole days' free time was spent getting a tire fixed 50 miles away, and the other one I really did pretty much spend outside. Yes, you should be proud of me. The first night there was checking in and getting acquainted with the place. Dad repeatedly tried to get me on a bike, but I thought my rear on a bike seat was something I didn't care to share with the world. Besides, after fours years at Iowa State, the Maranatha campus wasn't really THAT big!! Anyway, the second day was the Fourth of July, which is the day they open the camp up to the public. That was the day I got the most cropping done. I don't like huge crowds OR being outside, so the two together didn't sound like my kind of day. There was a concert in the evening, followed by some really spectacular fireworks.

The next day was filled with their normal programming: some chapel services, praise and worship, and activities on the waterfront and on the rock wall. This was the day I went to get the tire fixed, so I missed a lot of that, but the services were wonderful. After the last service some people gathered for a baptism, and Morgan told his daddy that he'd like to be baptized, too. Michael talked to the director and he said that everything there was very informal, so if he'd like to baptize Morgan it was a great time! It was all so amazing. It was an incredibly peaceful evening and something we'll remember forever!!

A couple monkeys

Mallory and Matthew practiced a couple monkey breads before leaving for a week at Maranatha Family Camp. Mallory will enter hers in the 4-H division, and Matthew will put his in open class. Mallory had to have her 4-H entries decided before we left on vacation, so that allowed us to keep it simple!! At least I thought I did! We entered her in the cherry pie baking contest, which is where she would have to take everything to the fair and make her pie there. She also had a cat wall hanging done that she made for me for Mother's Day, and she had a garden paver kit that she got for her birthday. We knew we could make some at Maranatha, so we wanted that one to wait until we got back and had practiced! We also planned to write up what she had done to her room. That would make four entries plus her contest and I thought that would be enough for her first year. If not, she could still enter anything she wanted in open class, as we have done for the past few years. We also had some entries planned for the boys, but that didn't need to be decided beforehand; just the 4-H division. We left for vacation thinking things were as "under control" as they could be!

Meanwhile, the kittens were trying to prove they were house worthy, so we blocked off the crawl through and let them stay in the basement. We had Sarah come over and check on them, so we were hoping they could be good for six days! It's a lot to ask of a kitty, but they said they'd do their best!

June 25, 2007, Gearing up for fair

We needed to get some cherry pie practice in before leaving on vacation, so we tried a quick one! It was very hard, and we only wound up with a single crust, but that makes for a good single crust pie! She tried again, and got a two crust pie done, but it was really hard. She enjoyed herself, though, so we knew more practice was going to be fine with her!

Monday, July 09, 2007

June 24, 2007

I don't usually start my ramblings with dates, but due to lack of internet, I'm pretty far behind!! I'm on dial up right now, so I have to keep this short. If a call comes in, I can't retrieve it from this computer and the other one isn't hooked up to a phone line.

Anyway, June 24, Mallory was baptized. Pastor Norm baptized seven people at the Ambassador Wellness Center, but he invited her dad and grandpa to be part of baptizing her. Baptism was something Mallory had been pursuing for quite some time and I wanted to leave that up to her. Since it represents the personal decision she has made, I wanted her public announcement, the baptism itself, to also be of her design. It's just so awesome to see your children choose Christ! We had a little reception here afterwards that was really quite memorable. She asked several people to come and had me call a few that afternoon to make sure they were coming! It's nice to have a decision stick out in their minds. Mom counted about 25 people here. It was a very warm and intimate time, and just exactly what we hoped would happen. Pastor Norm opened the invitation at the baptism to anyone else who wanted to be baptized at that time. The boys have both made decisions for Christ, but they have their own plans for their baptisms. More to come on that subject...

Friday, June 15, 2007

Hard times...

It's been a rough week for Michael and me. We put Bugger Man down on Tuesday. He was almost 15. These have been the first few nights in about 15 years without a cat in my face or on my back, and I'm afraid I must be sleeping better because I hurt everywhere. It was sad to see how many messes he was making on new carpet, but really hard to put down a cat that otherwise seemed so healthy.

One of Dad's friends dropped off some farm cats to help control the mouse population, and we sort of latched on to a couple of the kittens... but not before Bonnie and Clyde had their fun. We found one that night, very drenched and mauled and let him sleep in the mud room. The next morning, we found a very dirty, crusty one that we cleaned up and put with his sister. Matthew has really latched on to a grey marble one that he's calling Peachy (???) and the rest of us took to the Siamese. We're still working on names, but their litter training is going extremely well and we hope to have basement cats soon. We don't plan on bringing them upstairs until after vacation, just with the expected antics of kittens!! But we really hope they have names by then!
Well my house is quiet right now. The kids spent the night at the River with Grandpa and Michael has gone to work. I have a cake to decorate before work, but not much else. All the whirlwind housecleaning I was going to get done without the kids here sort of got deleted when I slept in until 8:00. I heard Michael's alarm go off at 6:30 and really only thought I was in bed a few more minutes. So anyway, now I must move on if this cake is to be done before work.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Nothing to say...

Yeah, right, but Mom really wanted that snake to go away so I'm supposed to post something! And since I have something of an internet connection, I probably should.

I'm so glad to have yesterday over!! I did a couple dramas for a church on the other side of Omaha, and it's been nervewracking building up to it. They went smoother than any before and nearly everyone told me how much they were blessed by them. It's so wonderful to know that, but oh, the fits I can get myself in beforehand... I'm just glad they're over. I'm also so glad I can look my kids in the eye and tell them that God really is bigger than our fears. I know it's easy to see our parents as fearless... at least at their age... but they know very well that I'm not!!

A few months back, I started talking about our new curriculum that we switched to using. We are all so excited about it. The boys are just now figuring out that they can't tell who's ahead and in what... and I won't tell!! Morgan's trying to catch up to Matthew in math, which is reasonably possible, and Matthew's trying to stay ahead without doing too much homework. We really like how it puts everyone at his own pace and we can adjust the homework to the kind of day we have planned. It's also very easy to grab and work on in the car. Our assignment cards show us exactly where we left off and it tells Daddy exactly what we accomplished. It's all very exciting... you know, for homework!!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Nature in the Country

I have been battling mice out here on the farm, but I didn't really know about my helper. I was checking on any water in the basement since the sump pump was going off so frequently when I saw this guy out of the corner of my eye. Had to check him from the other side. Yep, that's him.
I have a feeling Mom won't be coming over to watch the kids until I get him out. It seems as though he may have been in here for a while, gotten fat on my mice, and is now unable to get back out. I know someone else who has gotten in here and gotten fatter, but I can still fit through the doors.

I am glad I found him first thing in the morning, although I have some cakes I must focus on first. They are just about done and then I can see what I can do for this poor creature. In the couple hours I've been watching him, he hasn't made much progress. I'm just really so glad he wasn't found by any of the kids... or Mom. Although it may have been a good fire drill. You never know. For now, my plan is to finish my cakes and remove all evidence before Mom or the kids know what's up!!

Our friend is now out on his own. I dug out all the big gap foam I could and by then, Dad had shown up. He may have put a little more force behind his pull, but whatever--he was successful. We let him go in a nearby tree only to find some robin's eggs around on the ground. OOOPS! He may start off with a bit of a snack. Not my intended target, but anyhoo...

Daddy also brought us a tractor tire for a sandbox and is now on his way for some sand. I really have to think about getting to work! I know there are a lot of cakes for tomorrow and I'm not going to be in tomorrow!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Doorknobs can hold a small child, right?

Well, he's in tears right now. I'm just sitting here sipping my coffee and finishing my sudoku after finally catching that elusive, dastardly mouse in Mallory's room when I hear the famous, "Matthew Raymond Beard, don't you ever do that again!" As Michael rounded the corner, I asked if I wanted to know what that was about. A very quick, "No." But then he goes on anyway. Apparently, we were standing on the doorknobs while Morgan moves the door back and forth all while avoiding the ceiling fan. Now I had the ceiling fan installed where the boys wouldn't likely hang from it getting out of the bunk beds, but I guess door acrobatics just somehow escaped my imagination. I've found over and over again that girls and boys just don't have the same imaginations. Although Mallory also surprised me this morning. Morgan found a tick and normally flips out over ticks, but this time held his cool while Matthew got it wrapped up and flushed. Meanwhile, I was praising Morgan and under my breath made a comment about being glad it wasn't a spider. Out of the blue, Mallory said, "Do you know some spiders can get this big??" Mind you, I had no desire to see how big her informant had told her spiders could get, but I did thank her for changing my entire mood and perspective for the day. Normal response, "WHAT??" Then Daddy comes back holding his hands out to his sides and repeated it. My family just loves me. They could really save all this for the second cup of coffee. I wasn't even all that thrilled about taking care of this mouse before coffee, but I let Matthew do most of it while I watched, so at least I know he can handle it without me next time. Next time. Ugh.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Garden Wedding

Boys at a wedding are just too much. I didn't actually have them at the wedding; my folks did. I had a cake to set up! But at the reception... I'm really hoping Shirley doesn't start wondering where her marbles are. I'm sure she thinks she's lost all her marbles after that ta-do, but it was spectacular!! She had birdbaths with marbles everywhere. Some colored, some clear, some round and some flat... birds and birdhouses... it was so beautiful. Anyway... to check my sons' pockets, I'm pretty sure we just may have ALL the marbles. That was actually Matthew's thing. Morgan was collecting all the little nets of candy! Their sister, however, was focused on a very important job. She was the punch fairy. Amber, the bride, had asked me to cut the cake since I made it, and she asked if Mallory wanted to help. She said she wanted punch! So as soon as the punch came out, Mallory was serving. She served all night. No one could pour his own punch, no, that was Mallory's job. The poor girl had missed lunch because of me working on this cake, then started serving punch and missed the sandwich supper there. When they ran out of punch, she finally grabbed a plate and sat down for a minute. But lo and behold, more punch arrived so the punch fairy flew back to her job.
Ok, many more funny stories at this wedding, but we have to get ready for church. More later, folks, more later!!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Back... I hope!

Internet's been out way too long!! I did get my cakes updated, but I'm not sure I can catch up here. So much that I think about posting, then get here and still have no internet. Now I just want to get to bed!! It's been quite a three week haul for me and I'm looking forward to reclaiming my house this week!! The kids have also had a few cute ones and I need to get those caught up, too, but for now I just thought I'd say "HI!"
Oh, I'll need to post my Mother's Day presents soon, too. I don't have any pictures of what they made, but I do have Mallory's cake. She did this while I was in bed recovering from graduation. I'll tell more later. It's bedtime!! No cakes tonight... yippee!!

Friday, May 04, 2007

Coffee filter, THEN the coffee

Tired just doesn't cover it today! The sad part is that it's only going to get worse. This is Peru College's graduation and we are fairly busy with that, plus it's seemingly everyone's birthday this weekend. Had someone come in and order two cakes for today and added, "24 hours, that's enough, right? I read that I can have them in 24 hours." Well, normally that's the case. But someone in the deli cut the top of her thumb off, so Cindy is covering over there, and Janice just has it so bad I can hardly talk about it. Her oldest daughter's husband was killed and she keeps calling to update us, then adding that she doesn't think she'll be in tomorrow. No, Janice, you're done for a while, stop worrying about things that shouldn't bother you right now. Her husband is a pastor, as was her son-in-law. I don't completely know their ages, but her youngest daughter graduates high school next week, and her middle daughter graduates college the week after that. I can only guess that her oldest daughter is still under 30. It was really hard to press on today. I did okay until I put it on the prayer chain. I guess to actually say everything out loud really makes you admit it. So anyway, I'm left with graduation this week and probably next week too, when both the Neb City schools graduate. I had already counted her out with a graduating daughter, so it's not much different to me, I just wish she'd stop worrying and be where she needs to be.
Grandma's been over with the kids a lot, and Matthew has already conformed to that. She took a big step with the laundry and did NOT turn everyone's stuff right side out. I told her she spoils them. I always tell them that I only do the laundry. I do not check pockets or rearrange socks. However it goes in is how you'll find it coming out. She's such a happy homemaker that she just loves to serve the family and that's great. But I'm more of a grouchy gus and I expect a little help. Anyway, Matthew pointed out that she didn't turn his socks right side out. She said, "Isn't this how your mommy does it?" And he returns, "Yeah, but this is the Fluff and Fold!!" Spoiled I say!!
Anyway, I have a lot of cake orders at home, too, so busy is just an understatement. Really don't have time to be sitting here. My typing teacher would probably be whacking my fingers with a ruler the way I'm slouched everywhere, elbows resting on desk and knee. I feel like Clyde plopped over his dog dish, taking a break while he eats. I should probably get in the shower. I have a new body wash called Exhale. It claims to have calming effects. Cleanse your body and inspire your mood. Sounded good to me. Lofty hopes for a body wash. I may have put too much faith in my body wash.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Poor Morgan

Morgan had a really terrible day yesterday. It started by getting sick at about 2:30 am. He really didn't seem sick after that, just an upset tummy. Of course, then I had sheets to wash and carpet to scrub before my guests at 2pm! Later, as I was just picking up here and there, I noticed Thomas, Morgan's frog, was covered with a cloud. It seems his foot was stuck in the rocks and he drowned. The kids buried him in my flower bed and Mallory plans to make him a little memorial garden paver. She got a kit for her birthday and plans to include him on her stone.

My guests were actually coming to decorate cakes and we really had a ball. Eythan's mom and sister were among the cake decorators, so my boys quickly got him changed into boots and led him down the path of no return. Michael soon came home and went out to mow, but returned for a camera. Gay and I cringed at what that might mean, but our cakes were really looking nice without the help of so many boys! Michael returned with some photos, and I'll post one when I get Gay's. They had their inner tube out in the crick and were possibly having more fun than we were!! At least boys clean up quickly. Matthew even mopped the mudroom last night. We all really had a great time. I'm glad Morgan's day could improve slightly.

We had hoped to go to the zoo again today, but with the rain, I think we'll let Matthew enjoy his last tumbling lesson and Morgan and I will go get another frog while he's there. Plan on taking the kids out to Doc Joy's first to get some cat food. I really enjoy seeing him, but I think the kids just go for the pop!! He's always giving them a bottle of pop when they come. Keeps them happy to see him, I guess!!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Kristie's Pillow

One of my co-workers lost her mother to breast cancer this week. As if that's not hard enough, her son is getting married on Saturday. Her mother was planning to make the ring bearer's pillow, so she asked me to. This is what I had time to do! I'm not sure I could have done much better with any more notice, so I do hope the bride likes it. I was just so glad Kristie asked for help. Too many people just can't seem to do that.

Thanks Steve and Kevin!

Last week, Michael caught our friend and his excavator up at Pa Rose's house, so he grabbed his coat and ran! Before too long, Steve was at our house filling in the big pit, moving the burned tree stump and filling in that pit, fixing the driveway and tearing out an old stump that seems to be a tick breeding ground. He spent the majority of the morning here, although his plan was to go from Pa Rose's straight to the farm north of us. I've never been so glad to be in the way! I was really nervous when it started sprinkling right as Steve was finishing up at our place. He said it wouldn't affect what he planned to do at the next farm, but I don't see how!! I hope I didn't blow all his plans, but I am so pleased with everything he did!!
Then last night, Kevin came out with his disc (or something, not a true farm girl here, plus I was at Cubbies) and flattened everything out and got it nice and smooth. My plans for getting much school work done today may once again be foiled as we need to go pick up all the alternators and front end clips that just found their way to the surface of our yard! It's all good, though. All part of making a home and a nice life for the family. We have plenty of time for school!! We just don't always recognize what we are learning and where... but don't give away my secrets!
And thanks once again, Kevin and Steve, for your part in our home. It is so appreciated!!!

Zoo Trip

We took a little trip on Tuesday. We planned on a short one between lunch and our lessons, but then we didn't want to leave and found ourselves calling about our lessons. Mallory lucked out and her flute teacher had already called the house with news of a sick kid and questions about rescheduling. That was what Mallory wanted! Matthew really loves his tumbling, but he said he'd miss this one if Mallory was free to stay. So we did. We had a really great time. The sun wasn't too bright, but enough to give us little white kids some color after a long, cold, teasing winter! Mallory still has some tan lines from last summer, but the rest of us really need the color!
There is quite a bit of construction going on at the moment, and they are only passing out last year's maps, so we're very anxious to see what they're doing. They've moved the budgies, which was one of our favorites. One of the zookeepers said there was a display about the construction plans on the way to the giraffes, but then we had to go check out the nursery and forgot to go back that way. The nursery was a bit disappointing. Only two tree kangaroos, and they didn't look much like babies! Oh, well, spring has just begun. Maybe more will arrive.
We're hoping to put school into overtime Monday and get up to the zoo again next Tuesday, this time with plenty of time to get back for lessons. The kids have track and field day tomorrow, so we're definitely going to have to focus!
Our new materials arrived while we were at the zoo. My dad called and wanted to talk to the boys about what they'd pay to make that box disappear! With only one day on the new materials, everyone is very excited. They have their goal cards all filled out and ready to go. We're hoping for a lot of fun!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

He Is Risen!

Wow, it's early. This is what happens when you're married to a chef. He gets thrown into every church event that involves food! He loves it though! We're supposed to be there at 5:30 and here I am instead of in the shower! We have an Easter breakfast at our church between the sunrise service and Sunday school. I also have nursery for the early service, so I really should reconsider that shower. We had our little morning Easter routine with the kids yesterday, and decided to make that our new tradition. Saturday is more fun for that kind of thing, anyway. And then it doesn't get thrown in with what Easter really means! Okay, really need to find the shower...

Monday, April 02, 2007

Testing... testing

Well, we survived our first day of placement tests for the new curriculum, and I'm happy to announce that we all still love each other! I made it clear to the boys that the better they do, the less work they'll have to do, so Matthew really takes his time and gets it right. We did our spelling tests outside in sidewalk chalk... I have no idea how to send those in, but we had a really good time. I figure if you got a boy excited about spelling, you did something right!!! Everyone's anxious about the new system, but we're trying to take our time and do it right. I know there's no way to really shake the grade levels, but they won't show up on the covers of their workbooks. That's a plus to all of us. Especially if Matthew were ever to find out that Morgan is in a higher spelling level. Everything seems easy to Morgan, and this will be a good way for him to keep moving forward without Matthew knowing a thing, or needing to care. We learned so much about boys at this conference, and it has really calmed my nerves and given me new insight. Matthew is just one of those boys who learns at his own pace, and it's not time to worry about him. These tests are showing it, too. It's just so awesome to see what all he has learned when it really hasn't seemed like he's heard a word I've said!! He's testing pretty normal across the board. Mallory is, too. I thought she was a bit behind in the verbal, but it's all looking normal for her age so far. We haven't progressed far enough in the math test for any kind of final results, but that's the one Michael and I are most anxious to see. Looking at the test, it's going to be a while before she gets stumped. She's tested through all of first and second and half of third without one single mistake. They are allowed 2-3 mistakes per unit, or about an 80%, but she hasn't missed a beat. The great part is that she doesn't have to repeat anything she understands. If she gets fractions but misses too many on long division, she can get specialized material in the one and just some refreshers in the other. I guess this material has been around for 30 years, so they probably know what they're doing!! We are all looking forward to it, but we're now seeing it may still be a month off or more! Oh, well. Some things are worth the wait!!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

New Days

Well, there are some changes coming soon to the Nodaway Valley Christian Academy, but changes I think everyone will welcome. I've never been so exhausted and so refreshed at the same time. Our annual conference for homeschoolers was this weekend, and my head's in a spin. We had so many great workshops, including one for "Boys and other kids who would rather build forts all day." This didn't particularly deal with moms who'd rather do the same, but I got the point! Michael went to that one, too, and I am so glad. He wants a larger role in this school, and I think he got some fantastic ideas, too. I'm just so excited about new ideas we got for nearly every subject. I went by myself on Friday, and I like that. I get a chance to look at all the materials without pressure of buying because I don't do that until Saturday when I have Michael along. Then I can explain everything to him, and hearing it out loud doesn't hurt me any either! So anyway, after these last couple of years "not working" for most of us, I knew we needed something different, and I found a curriculum that I really fell in love with. It lets the kids work at their own pace without any labels of grades, it needs no lesson plans by Mom... however... the kids have to set some goals to pace themselves. It also includes a chance to earn a day off in certain subjects when we meet certain goals. The records that are kept are so easy for us to do, and so easy for Michael to see our progress. I just kept coming back to that booth time and time again. I just knew it was so right for the whole family. Then each workshop just seemed to solidify that feeling. I guess I couldn't explain it very well to Michael Friday night, but we went to a couple workshops on Saturday morning and then I showed it to him. We are both so thrilled with it. We'll have to do some testing this week to see where to start everyone, but the courses are so detailed and the units are so short that we can get everyone placed with as little or as much duplication of material as they need. And no one moves on until a skill is mastered. You can order another of the small units for less than $3.00 if you just want to take that skill again. Okay, I'm sure you weren't planning on hearing all this, but it's just so exciting to me! I just love learning new things and now have so many new ideas for my kids to love the same and for Dad to have some sort of proof that we did indeed learn something today!! Besides the nifty new fort in the backyard, but anyhoo...

Monday, March 26, 2007

Juliet's Shower

The shower yesterday was just beautiful. We made scrapbook pages for Rachel to insert her favorite photos. Some of the gals were going to come see my house afterwards, but we sat around talking so long that we didn't make it happen! The guys at home were so disappointed!! They had been cleaning house all afternoon for my friends. But hey, now it's for us and it looks wonderful!!

Morgan and I have already been outside burning trash and picking up more junk out of the yard. Winter made more trash come to the surface. Every rain does it, too. It's so disappointing how much broken glass and metal is everywhere. It is nice that my kids don't really desire to be barefoot, but I at least wish it was an option.

Anyway, must get some laundry and school going! Another day!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Day for Divas

Mom took Mallory out for the day yesterday, and it sounds like they had quite the time. They started off at the salon where her best friend's mom works, because she was running "Diva Days" there. She and Brooke had their nails done, got dressed up, had a tea party... sounds like it was just the thing for them! They forgot my camera and Mallory's very disappointed that I don't have a picture to post here. Mom says someone was taking some pictures, so hopefully it won't be very long until I get to see what they did. After her little makeover party, Mom and Mallory went Easter dress shopping, but didn't find anything that fit. Was hoping things wouldn't be like this for poor Mallory! Nothing's ever fit me, but I was hoping life would work out better for her! They came out to see me at the bakery, but still had many stops to make! They also went shower gift shopping. We have a shower for a precious baby Juliet today. I posted the cake on my other site (link to the right... cakes by michelle).

More poor Mallory... her birthday was Tuesday and she still hasn't done much celebrating. With Brooke tied up in her mom's Diva Days, she couldn't come over this weekend, we have our homeschooling conference next weekend, and Easter the next. BUT... the weekend after that is a crop, so she and her friends are extremely excited about what's in store! So she'll have to wait until mid-April for her March 20 birthday party, but at least she feels it's worth the wait!

Matthew is at his friend's house right now. This is his very first overnight at a friend's house. I wasn't anticipating any problems, but just keeping in mind that he's never done this before!

I got housewarmed at AWANA Wednesday night! My friend Laura gave me about seven or eight potted plant starts for the new house. I'm so excited! Mom brought all my old pots, probably from when Laura did this before and I got all matching plant pots. The first time she did it, we had no kids. It was our first house and we had just been married. We left for Vermont within about six months, so I had to find homes for them. Unfortunately, most of them lost their lives at Mom's house, which is why she had all the pots for me! So anyway, if I can pull myself together after the shower, we'll grab some potting soil and get them started off in their new home!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Anyone else have a problem with this?

So I'm looking for my students because it's 8:30 and time to start school. Well, the princess is in the shower and I can hear the boys outside. Ok, probably letting the puppy out. Hmmm... somehow that involves riding bikes in our jammies... And you wonder why I'm on the edge.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The "ten"-ager

Happy Birthday Mallory!!

She spent yesterday "enjoying her last day in single digits." So funny. My math princess.

Mom's been helping me get some curtain projects underway. We came across some great deals in the clearance section at WalMart. About $630 in rods and curtain/drapery panels for $170. We had to remake some of the panels to fit my long east windows, but got them done and hung. Mom's been helping me clean and organize things and just hoping to catch up with all the inside stuff so we can get to all the painting that still needs done, along with all the boxes that are still in her basement. Just don't know how we're going to get all this done. We were planning on putting a chest freezer in the mudroom, but now I see I didn't plan my outlets very well! One thing after another.

I'm also still fighting with this new computer. It froze up today and Best Buy said to bring it in. Wow... you don't even want to hear what's happening? So I got transferred to a few dozen people and got my fill of Kenny G while waiting. I had already tried a few things that I knew to do on XP, but this Vista is very different. After the long haul of getting that problem fixed, I decided it was either the printer or the mouse that was arguing with Vista, so I started to pull out the one that came with it. Hmmm... you would have tried that first? Well, I'm a girl on a budget and I still have 3 ink cartridges to the old one and I wasn't ready to change. Well, neither was the computer. Vista really rejected the software for the printer that came with this computer! Then I started to remember the geek's advice when he sold me this. He said very little software works with Vista, but try the software that comes in Vista. It does a lot on its own. Ok, kinda like, "Use the Force, Luke".....
So, against the advice of the easy set up instructions, I plugged the sucker into the computer and let 'er fly. Hmmm... maybe this operating system does have its perks. Anyway, I'm trying. Things seem to be working my way now and then, and other times? well, I guess I'm learning to expect surprises!

Monday, March 19, 2007

It's a Boy!!

This is the family with little Clyde. He arrived this afternoon, right as school was almost over. Well, I'm sure you figured out what happened to school, but anyway...

I guess someone who works with Michael was moving and couldn't take the poor guy with him, so he became my guy. He's a really nice puppy. I've wanted a St Bernard pretty much my whole life, then came into close contact with one this summer and was pretty sure I'd changed my mind. But when Michael called home with one needing a home, it all came back!!

The kids are really pleased, and I'm just thankful we have a big farm!!

Well, signing off with Bonnie and Clyde,

Friday, March 16, 2007


As if my problems weren't enough... Monday we decided it was time for a new computer. So on top of my internet struggles, my finish-the-house struggles, and my do-we-really-have-to-do-school struggles, now I'm trying to move all my files and watch Vista reject them all. Fun, fun. Should have let the brainiacs at Best Buy do it. Had a coupon for $100 off, but was frightened by what that meant it would cost... more than the computer? So anyway, just thought I'd post a note to say we're alive and well and hope you still check here for me! It was much easier signing in this morning! I've been getting rejected by blogger for quite some time, but got right in this time. Now I really need to go show Mom how to get into hers. She's still on 98, so there's no more support for her, including the new time change. I tried loading up xp, but it wouldn't take. Could be that I've loaded it on too many computers!! Anyway, we'll get her fixed up and you'll be hearing from her, too. Need to get a few cakes in, too. Those, of course, are on the old computer setting behind me. We'll see what it takes to get those back!

Anyway, have a great day and you'll be seeing me back soon!!

Saturday, March 03, 2007


Yesterday was one of those fun days where Mom goes to work and Dad stays home with the kids. The kids have been pretty sick all week, so school has been minimal, but he wanted me to leave something. I started to show him where we were in everything when he stopped me saying that he didn't want the math and English, he wanted some science and fun stuff (fancy that... I love the drills and rhetoric). It was so awesome to get a chance to really talk school with him, and he was enjoying it, too. So since neither of us was going to be working today, we decided to have our own little homeschool conference to decide as a family what we wanted for direction and goals. I've been so excited ever since! Then he got called in. grrrr But he went in before we all got up, so he may be home shortly after noon. Let's get this conference set up!! The nicest part was getting home last night and hearing how much fun they had with Dad. They usually run to me complaining about the substitute and how mean he is. That or I come home to find them playing poker. That's what every kid should learn! Anyhoo... I think he may also have seen why so much is still out when he gets home. It can be such a whirlwind to get everything done that you have planned, without losing their attention, that sometimes you can't clean up each subject before the next. So anyway, now it's my turn for clean up... but that's okay... I still don't have anything organized the way I want yet, so here's just further opportunity to get it right!!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Good one

With my horribly poor internet connection, it's hard to imagine that I actually spent internet time on a forward, but I'm glad I did! Enjoy, ladies!!

Many women are afraid of their first mammogram, but there is no need to worry. By taking a few minutes each day for a week preceding the exam and doing the following exercises, you will be totally prepared for the test and best of all, you can do these simple exercises right in and around your home.


Open your refrigerator door and insert one breast in door. Shut the
door as hard as possible and lean on the door for good measure.

Hold that position for five seconds. Repeat again in case the first
time wasn't effective enough.


Visit your garage at 3AM when the temperature of the cement floor is
just perfect. Take off all your clothes and lie comfortably on the floor
with one breast wedged under the rear tire of the car. Ask a friend to
slowly back the car up until your breast is sufficiently flattened and
chilled. Turn over and repeat with the other breast.


Freeze two metal bookends overnight. Strip to the waist. Invite a
stranger into the room. Press the bookends against one of your breasts.

Smash the bookends together as hard as you can. Set up an appointment with the stranger to meet next year and do it again.


A Friend Is Like A Good Bra...
Hard to Find
Always Lifts You Up
Never Lets You Down or Leaves You Hanging
And Is Always Close To Your Heart!!!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Happy Birthday Matthew!

Matthew turns 8 today. He had a couple friends over Friday night, which was a first for him. They camped out in the living room and I think they had a really good time. We're having his family party today. He wanted a Monster Truck cake and bought the Truck with his birthday money, along with some cars to trash like the Truck had run over them. I got it done last night but forgot to take pictures, so I'll get those taken and posted later! This is also the birthday of a friend of ours, and they had their party yesterday. They celebrated the birthdays of both their little girls, so I made them Barbie cakes. It was all very cute! Only planned to stay a couple hours because I needed to get home and get ready for the party today, but it didn't work. This family is such a neat one. Six kids, working on their fourth grandbaby, and Mom is working with me as a teacher and mentor in homeschooling. She homeschooled all six, and is graduating her twin boys this May. My kids really look up to them, too. It's really nice to be impressed by the people who impress your kids. I really hope that lasts! They are all so talented and fun to be around.
Today is also our cousin's first birthday. Happy birthday Alyssa!! We hope we get to meet you soon!
Well, I have to get moving if I want this place ready before we leave for church! Happy birthday all!!