Sunday, November 18, 2007

Home again

Morgan and I spent last Sunday home together, and it's happening again today. This time, it's me, too! Started feeling pretty lousy at work last night when Michael and the kids stopped by. Matthew stayed with me to help clean up, then we went home to Michael having supper ready. He's way too good for me. I got up this morning thinking I'd just press on, but heard Morgan with a croupy cough again. No problem, I'm really not fit for the public anyway. So here we are. Thought maybe we could watch the Heroes series Michael got me for our anniversary (I got him new batteries for his drill, so I win both prizes!!), but since they rented Batman and Scooby-Doo last night, that seems to have won out. I tried my best to talk him out of it, but as Batman says, "A caped crusader always gives top priority to a boy and his dog." Guess I should just be thankful that the dogs stay outside. Guess I also forgot what fun adjectives Batman and Robin use. Right now, I'm just trying to figure out if Robin's voice is Casey Kasem or Shaggy. Weird. Oh, well. I guess this is interesting enough. If not, maybe I'll fall asleep. Probably better than tying you up with my ramblings.

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