Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happy Sweet 16 Mallory!

 Well, it's been quite a day!  My little Mallory turned 16 years old.  I don't know how slow we seem to think time should go, but I think it should be slower than this.  Maybe something more like first grade.  First grade seemed to take FOR.EV.ER.  Why not the babies??
Anyway, she's on her way out to California now to see her other grandma, and she is so excited.  They have been talking about this for a couple years now, and she's finally on her way.  Pastor Norm showed us, so we've been watching her flight since AWANA started tonight!  She has a few more minutes to go!
But anyway... we did other things today, too.  She started off in band.  I had texted the teacher that this was her birthday and it sounds like they sang to her, too!  Then, after band, we met up with her and went to the courthouse to get her driver's license!!  Always an amazing rite of passage!  At that point, she was free to drive herself home, but she instead chose to drive her daddy home.  She's so funny!
Well, I'm sure other things happened today, but they have faded.  Thought I'd post one more photo that shows once and for all that she truly did receive my good looks!!  

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